Finding Mobian/Pony Forms

Start from the beginning

"How long were you Princess of Equestria Twilight?" Sunset asked. "Well just two months" Twilight said. "What happened to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Sunset asked. "Oh they retired" Twilight said. Sunset Shimmer was shocked by that. "They what!?" She asked. "Retired. Yes I was surprised by that too but it turned out well in the end" Princess Twilight said. "Last but not least this is the throne room" Twilight said and everyone gazed upon it. "It's beautiful" Amy comments. "Thank you" Twilight said. Just then a flying dragon with light purple scales, dark green spikes, lime green thingy on his cheeks, and light green belly came flying in. "Twilight, Pinkie has a surprise for our new guests" he said. "Thank you Spike. Now the surprise should be outside" Twilight said and indeed there was a party. An earth pony that looks like Pinkie Pie came bouncing in. "Thank you for coming to the Welcome party!" The pony exclaimed and puts a party hat on them.

"Uh..." Amy said. "Oh I didn't introduce myself. I'm Pinkie Pie! You're go to party pony in Ponyville and Canterlot!" The pony introduced. "I'm Sonic. They are Tails, Silver, Amy, Blaze and Larry" Sonic introduced. "I know. You're also not from Sunsets world! You're from a place called Mobius where you are the heroes that defends both there and a different kind of Earth! You also went through lots and lots of hard times in your life future or present that you to where you are today! Did I mention the mad scientist? *Squeal*" Pinkie said and the mobians turned confused. "How did you-?" Sonic asked. "Just a hunch!" Pinkie said. Twilight slowly shook her head and the mobians and Sunset shrugged. They went in the huge crowd in the Party and played. Once party is over Sonic volunteered to help clean up. "Thanks Sonic but I got this" Pinkie said and pulled a rope coming from nowhere. It was like nothing happened! Sonic tried to not question it but it was very tempting to ask. Pinkie smiled and hopped back in the Castle, Sonic coming right behind. Night came and everyone got some sleep. Well almost everyone. Larry got up and went to the balcony and stared up and the stars pondering.

"Something wrong Lar?" A voice said behind him. Larry looks behind him and Sunset is standing there with a worried look. "Yeah I'm fine just.. worried about if we will ever return home or how would my friends react when they learn my secret. It can't stay hidden forever" Larry said. Sunset pondered about what Larry is saying for a moment. "Then tell them" Sunset said. Larry looked back at her surprised. Sunset walks up to him and illuminate her horn. "Just tell them about what you experienced and contributed in. Besides they probably already know about it deep down in the back of their minds" Sunset said. "I don't know" Larry said. Sunset smiled and started singing.

Sunset: Power was all I desired, but all that grew inside me was the darkness I acquired. When I began to fall and lost the path ahead. (Larry went up to Sunset and put a hoof on her shoulder making her smile) That's when your friendship found me an it lifted me instead. Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky, I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny. I may not know what the future holds but hear me when I say that my past does not define me 'cause my past is not today.

Larry: Ambition. (Sunset looks up at Larry seeing a weak smile on him) Is what I believed, would be the only way to set me free. (Larry gained memories of accepting Rosethorns help and lead different Sonic teams into traps leaving them helpless) But when it disappeared and I found myself alone. That's when you came along and felt like I was home.

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