What the hell is going on in that town? Pt 4.1

Start from the beginning

After a good 10 minutes of fighting, Aurora holds hand up in defeat, breathing heavily and giggling "Okay, okay you win"

Corey who was also giggling while panting, hold hind fist up in victory "Oh yeah, I'm the best"

Aurora rolls her eye with a smile "Yeah right only because you have bigger pillows"

"There is no need to be a sore looser Ro, just admit I'm better" said Corey cockily.

"Whatever, I need water" she said heading to the door but not before taking her phone to answer her mom's texts.

"Bring me one please" the boy yelled after her earning a "Okay" from her.

Aurora then got distracted, she thought about the doodles on her notebook, it wasn't odd that she did something without realizing but when she did it was more like actual sentences.

The girl shakes her head and looked up where the kitchen was supposed to be only to stop dead on her tracks. She wasn't in Corey's house anymore.

The girl found herself in front of Corey's neighbors house, the Walcotts, she only knew them because throughout the summer Corey developed a crush on the youngest Walcott, Sean.

The front door was open, which tells her that something must have left it like that. Aurora knows something is wrong, so she slowly started making her way in the house.

The house was dark, she hesitated before climbing the stairs, with shaky steps she moved toward the first room, she slowly opened the door and her eyes landed in a body of a boy, he had a big cut on his back making her gasp slightly.

She moved to the next room and sure enough there was a couple both of them with the same cuts, blood was oozing out of them.

Aurora moved to the next room only to find that the door was smash, she looked inside the room but fortunately didn't find any more bodies.

The girl quickly moved outside the house and dial 911. She looked around nervously hoping that the killer had left. The operator quickly answered.

"911 what's your emergency"

"Umm- I'll like to report a body.... several actually"

Corey came out short after she called the police and she told him what happened, he was utterly confused since he didn't really heard anything but he believed what she told him; that when she was down to get their water when she heard the screams.

After talking to the police, mostly sheriff Stilinski about what happened which consisted in; 'I don't know who did it- I only heard the screams and come to check it out- I didn't saw anything' after that she was let free. Unfortunately it was morning already. And so the two sleep deprived teens made their way in school.

After the first and second period, Aurora was making her way out her history class, she had always enjoyed the subject. She liked to learn about the origins of things which was ironically since she had no idea of hers.

Anyhow she loved the subject, although things like slavery and colonization completely disgusted her. She in all honesty didn't understand why people used to do that, why they thought that just because of the color of their skin or their beliefs made them less of a human beings. And it made her blood boil to think some people still think have the same stupid mentality. When in reality we are all the same. No matter the race. Religion. Sexuality. Gender. We are all the fucking same. We all laugh, we all cry, we all bleed red, we all need to breath. People deserve respect.

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