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"Prince Lee Donghyuck of the west!" His name was announced and on cue he stood up and bowed, showing everyone that smile of his that, he knows, can light up the hallway

It was his best friend's twenty-first birthday, the whole party radiated Prince Jeno's charisma and he can't help but grin as he stood beside the prince. As introductions have come to an end, the famed 8 Princes have gathered and spoke amongst themselves (with Jeno occasionally leaving to entertain his guests)

"Prince Jeno is all grown up now," Prince Renjun says, his white, snow colored suit being a perfect match for his silver hair, he eyes the boy that owing infront of some duchess'  "last time I checked I was the eldest"

Prince Mark frowned as he took the glass his recently dyed purple hair fell on his eyes, "I'm the eldest" and Prince Lucas jabbed at his side, Prince Lucas was the tallest of the circle of friends and between all of them he was also the first one who took the throne. "I mean, Prince Lucas is older, same difference"

Prince Chenle's laugh was undeniably annoying, granted he was older and puberty has made his voice deeper but his laugh was still ear piercingly ruthless and yet no one dared to stop him or tell him to stop laughing, the all really loved Chenle's laugh "Please your highness you have a reputation to uphold" Chenle teased his older cousin and Prince Renjun laughed along with his younger brother

Prince Jaemin left the laughing group of friends to politely (with all of his etiquette class in mind) he tapped Prince Jeno's  shoulder "Your Highness?" he calls making Jeno's conversation with a marquees, Lord Moon Taeil Jaemin thinks his name was "My Lord" He bowed politely and Lord Taeil bowed right back "My Prince," he greets right back "Please think about it your highness," he bows once again to the two princes "I shall take my leave, thank you for your time"

"What was that about?" Jaemin asked his friend and Prince Jeno smiled, that famed eye-smile that got him (other than the fact that he's the second born of the Lee Family of the east) on the cover of Ideal date last month, speaking of that magazine, he should really check when the photoshoot for Hottest man of the month is. "Its nothing, what's up?"

Prince Jaemin hummed, he knows its not his right, he and Jeno are Prince's and whenever its about their kingdom, secrecy isn't unusual "ok," he shrugged not pressing the matter "Sorry to have Lord Taeil," he stops incase he has said the wrong name he wanted Prince Jeno to correct him. Jeno didn't say anything and waited for his friend to continue taking that as a good sign prince Jaemin smiled, patting the shest of his suit as a silent well done to himself "Lord Taeil leave your side, Your highness, but Prince Jisung called for you"

Prince Jisung puffed his cheeks when he heard what Prince Jaemin said, they were close enough that everyone in the friend group could hear the conversation "I was not" he defended and took the wine that a butler has served, putting it back down when Prince Jaemin glared at the glass, he knows that he is still underage to drink but also the royal family is forbidden in drinking in public 

Jeno smiled "if you wanted to be grazed by my presence," he bowed "Then my friends, all you had to do was ask" Prince Chenle tried his best to not roll his eyes knowing that type of behavior towards a prince was rude "no please, mingle with the guests" 

Jeno smiled "if you wanted to be grazed by my presence," he bowed "Then my friends, all you had to do was ask" Prince Chenle tried his best to not roll his eyes knowing that type of behavior towards a prince was rude "no please, mingle with the gu...

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