Chapter 09 | Shocked

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-TimeSkip, a few hours, still Y/n's P.O.V.-

I haven't seen Jack ever since I accidentally told him about why my ex-boyfriend isn't around. Noah fell asleep after eating his grilled cheese and I flipped through the TV channels to find something decent to watch. I can across the News channel, and what I found nearly gave me a heart attack.

( What The News Channel Said )

Reporter : Good Evening. Earlier this evening, we got news of a recent inmate of (where you live) prison has escaped. He is 6'0 feet tall, somewhat muscular, black hair, green eyes, tan skin.

His name is Mark Jennison. He was put in prison after being found guilty of rape & abuse of his ex-girlfriend, her name is Y/n L/n. If you have seen Mark Jennison or you have any kind of information on this situation.

Please contact your local police department or call this news station at 804-***-****. Since, Mark Jennison is a very dangerous man on the loose, we highly encourage you to lock all doors and windows of where you are currently staying, Have a weapon of some sort on you at all times.

This is a safety precaution, Have a safe and good night folks, this is Jennifer Willman at (whatever news station is near you).
I flicked the TV off and sat there in complete shock from what I just heard. Before I turned the TV, the news station flipped to a different reporter, the reporter was just about to talk about a new Child's murder case but I already know who did it.

I wanted to turn Jack in but he threatened to kill everyone I love if I did that. I knew better than to test Jack about if he was serious about that threat or not so I just decided to not turn him in.

I mean come one, let's say I did turn Jack in. He is a non-human, supernatural, powerful clown who kills mostly children but some adults, teenagers, elders, and adolescents. He could probably easily burst out of jail just by killing the officers and guards in that said prison. I'm pretty sure that Jack is immortal which just adds to my point.

I softly lifted Noah off of my lap so I didn't accidentally wake him from his slumber. I tiptoed around my house, locking every single window and door there is. I then hear a knock on the front door, I start to shake since I was thinking of the possibility of it being Mark knocking on my door right now. I decided to check the peep hold on my front door to see who it was before opening the door and I saw Jay.

I sighed in relief and opened the door to let him in. Jay warmly smiled at me and I noticed his girlfriend was with him. His girlfriend's name is Rosabella, she is a very beautiful and smart girl, she is whom I would want my brother to marry. Rosabella smiles warmly at me as well and we hugged each other. She then shifts her honey brown eyes to my baby bump, her eyes left into another smile and she rubbed me baby bump softly. She then asks,

"Y/n, it has sure been awhile since we last saw each other. How have you been and how far along are you now? You still are extremely gorgeous even when you're pregnant." I smiled at the kind young woman in front of me. I replied with,

"It really has been awhile, Rosabella. I have been great, I am now 4 months along. Thank you, you are absolutely gorgeous yourself, Rosabella." She blushed and smiled even wider. Jay was watching us while warmly smiling at the sight of his younger sister and girlfriend getting along like best friends which they kind of were best friends.

Noah came running up to us and he jumped on Rosabella. Noah also liked Rosabella as well, he jumped down from Rosabella and ran back to the living room.

✦︎ TimeSkip, still Y/n's P.O.V.✦︎

I found a good time to bring up what I heard on the news earlier. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jack in the hallway. He was covered in thick red blood, he looked very annoyed and angry. I'm guessing the kid he just killed got in his nerves and that is how he solved the "problem".

I gave him a disapproving and disappointed look and he just rolled his eyes like the sassy diva he is. He then stuck his tongue out and disappeared into thin air, black smoky mist appearing after he left and then the mist disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

I focused my attention and eyes back onto Jay and Rosabella. I wanted to tell them about the altercation that occurred earlier today. I then told them everything that the reporter stated on the news. Their eyes went white and the skin went as pale as un-used paper. Me and Jay agreed that Rosabella should stay at our house for the night to make sure she is 100% safe and unharmed by Mark whatsoever. Noah was in his bedroom already sound asleep like a baby. Jay and Rosabella shared his his bedroom and went to sleep so I head to my room. I walked inside and saw Jack in my room. I have him a very confused and somewhat surprised look and he looked down while saying,

"I heard what you told your brother and his girlfriend. I don't like you or anything so don't get the wrong idea but I will watch over you and make sure your ex doesn't come in your home. We aren't arguing about this either so do whatever you do at night and sleep." I huffed in annoyance and stomped into my bathroom.

Right before I entered my bathroom, I swear I saw Jack smirk. I rolled my eyes at this and just did my night routine and climbed in my bed. Jack was sitting on my f/c beanbag chair in the corner of my room, looking at me. I then noticed his clothing was different. Instead of wearing what he usually wears, he is wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants. His hair was also wet like he just got out of the shower.


↳︎ To Be Continued...

─︎✧︎ Word Count : 1,074 |


─︎✧︎ 𝘌𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 | Laughing Jack x Reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora