I hated when people got me gifts , it somehow made me feel awkward and shy.

"Oh shut it , I'm your bestie of course I had to buy you something", Mia rolled her eyes.
"Okay , what is it ", I asked shaking my head.
"I'll show at lunch , I have to see the principal about a subject change ", Mia said giving me a quick hug and dashing towards her office.
I sighed and turned to my locker.

I wasn't really popular but I mingled with the children around me because Mia was a social butterfly hopping from one group to the other , everyone loved her.
People automatically spoke to me because of Mia and I hated it so I'd always avoid having to interact with anyone except Mia and Luke and of course he's two best friends who joined us at lunch. Luke was my closet friend after Mia.
Him and his posse was considered the bad boys of the school , but I knew Luke . He was a sweetheart , a tad bit irritating , but a sweetheart nonetheless.

I was snapped out my train of thoughts when I entered the hallway that led to my English class.
There I saw the infamous bad boy sucking face with some blonde girl who was his on and off girlfriend Beth.
Blake Stein , son to the town's richest family. He wasn't the hump and dump type but has the on and off again relationship with the head of cheer leading , Beth Thomas . She's a real bitch at all times. She's beautiful with that long hair and blue eyes , but that attitude of hers was the absolute worst.

I shook my head and walked pass them when Blake caught sight of me.
He wasn't all that bad , although he liked to tease me alot when he'd sit at our table.

He smirked and pushed from Beth and ran a hand through his dark hair.

It didn't help that I had a huge crush on him in middle school but I absolutely hated his player ways. Thank God the crush was dissolved. Although I couldn't deny that the summer has definitely been good to him.
His muscles were more prominent through his black t-shirt.
We were lab partners and that's where I developed the stupid crush. He was funny and flirty. Little did I know that he did that to every girl.

"Well , if it isn't the birthday girl ", Blake smirked that sexy smirk that the girls immediately fell for and sat beside me in English period.
He was one of Luke's two best friends that unfortunately sat with us during lunch.
Then there was Axel.
Not much to say about him , except that he has a major crush on Mia.

"Hello Blake ", I smiled and kept a cool and calm face.

Blake wouldn't always sit at our table during lunch because he was quite the busy guy.
He was always busy texting or talking on the phone.
Mia and I came to the conclusion that he might be a drug dealer or something like that.
I just hoped he decides to leave Mia and I alone at lunch , I don't feel like talking to people today and knowing Blake he'll have much to say.
I always hated my birthday for some other reason , probably because that's the day my dad decided to up and leave.

Fucking prick.

Lunch came around and I walked into the cafeteria ready to eat the day away. I loved the school's Chicken nuggets because they bought from the fast food place that I was obsessed with.

I got to the table me and Mia occupied and found Axel , Luke and Blake already eating and laughing.

Ugh , just my luck.

"Hey , Em. I got some cheesy fries from Burger king for you", Luke smiled handing over the package.

Luke and I understood each other really good , some girls would occasionally glare over to our table because the popular guys say with us.
Axel always only spoke to Mia and I always refrained myself for 'awwing' out load because he's so adorably in love with Mia.

My suddenly happy mood was spoilt when Blake decided to sit right beside me.

"Thank you so much", I beamed snatching the package from Luke and got comfortable beside Blake who was now scrolling through his phone.

"Happy birthday bestie , here you go ", Mia said and placed a gift bag on the table.
"Thanks Mia ", I said and opened the bag.
Inside was a black silk dress with slit down the side.

It was absolutely gorgeous , I couldn't imagine myself wearing it though.

"Why'd you get me a dress like this , when will I wear it ", I asked confused.

I wasn't much of a social butterfly and Mia knew it.

"You're wearing it Friday night , when we go to the club , you're finally eighteen", Mia said and hopped in her seat beside Axel who smiled at her adorableness.

I think he definitely likes her !

"Um no thank you , I don't like clubs", I said putting the dress away.

I don't even like parties in general.

"How can you not like clubs if you've never been to one ", Blake chuckled beside me.
"I've seen the news , girls get kidnapped and killed. I'm not looking to be a statistic ", I said rolling my eyes.
"You won't get kidnapped if there are guys with us ", Mia rolled her eyes.
"Guys ? What guys . You better be talking about us , there's no way you're going with other people ", Blake scoffed eating a chicken nugget from my plate.
I glared at him moving my tray to the other side of me.

How dare he steal my food like it's no big deal ?!

"Of course I'm talking about you guys , you're the only guys Emma is kinda comfortable with ", Mia mumbled rolling her eyes.
"Kinda comfortable , what does that mean. We've known each other since middle school", Luke said confused. "I'm practically her best friend", he said throwing his arms in the air .
"And we recently started talking to you so duh , not that long ", Mia said and stuffed her mouth with chicken nuggets.
"Em and I always spoke , I just never spoke to you . So that makes me her second closest friend", Luke smiled knowing he won the argument.
"Whatever you say Luke", Mia mumbled shaking her head and continued eating her nuggets.

I guess everyone loved the chicken nuggets.

"What are doing after school today ", Luke asked when he finished his lunch.

"Probably homework , and supper with my family , the usual ", I shrugged.
"Let's all go the mall after school , it would fun", Mia smiled.
"The mall is boring Mia ", I sighed.
"Yeah , the only exciting thing is the games and it's always a drag to get there", Blake agreed.
"Please , you guys don't have to come , but I'm not taking a no from you Em ", Mia glared pointing her half moon nails at me.
"I'll come ", Axel said unexpectedly.
Mia turned and gave Axel her award winning smile.

Blake raised an eyebrow at Axel.

"You're sure dude", he asked.
"Yeah , I have nothing going on and it's Em's birthday", he shrugged.

He never uses my nickname ever!

"Yeah , I'll come too and so will Blake ", Luke answered.
"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's totally okay ", I said quickly to Blake shaking my head.
I didn't want him to tarnish his bad boy reputation for us.

He kissed his teeth and leaned back.

"Nah it's cool , I just have to stop at my house before ", he said and put his arm around the back of my seat.
"We'll be going in your car since the girls don't have a car and we drove with you ", Luke said when the bell rang.
"Yeah whatever , let's get to class , I need sleep", Blake said and took hold my arm lifting me up.
"Hey , why are you lifting me up ", I glared at him.
"Because we have maths and they don't , so let's go ", he said pulling me along with him.

He knew we had maths together . How come he didn't acknowledge me in that class then. He seriously only speaks to me in English period.

'Deep breathes Emma', I told myself mentally.
Blake's just a regular guy that could easily pass as a Calvin Klein model!


Sooo , that was the first chapter.
Eek , I'm so excited this is my first book on wattpad !!
Don't forget to tap the 🌟 if you enjoyed this chapter.
Bye , until next time🥰.

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