"Context please" Rosa interrupts.

"Basically she streamed all night on something called Twitch and raised like 2,500 dollars for Homeless shelters in New York" Amy explained.

"Terrys Confused" Terry raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know but I'm going to sit at my desk" I say trying to avoid questions.

I begin working on a case when I get a call from Livs school.

"Damn it" I sigh.

"What is it?" Amy asks.

"Its the school"

"Answer it"


I pick it up and hear the schools principal , Mr. Jones voice on the other end "Is this Jake Peralta?"

"Yes it is , is there a problem?" I ask.

"Unfortunately your daughter has been caught in a fight with another pupil and we need either you or Mrs. Peralta to come to the school as soon as possible"

"Okay what's gonna happen to her?"

"Possibly a one week suspension"

"Okay thank you we will be there soon"


"What is it?" Amy asks.

"Livs had a fight" I sigh.


"Yeah and a possible one week suspension"

"I'll go get her"

"Are you sure?"


Amy gathered her stuff together immediately and left the precinct while I went to Holts office to let him know why Amy left.

I knock on the door.

"Come in" I open the door.

I sit down " I just wanna let you know Amy had to go pick up Liv from school , she had a fight"

"Okay , that is fine with me. I hope everything is sorted out soon"

"Thanks" I leave the room.

Amys pov

I drive as fast as I could to school , I was furious but tried not to show it. When I arrived I was taken to the principals office where Liv sat there.

The tall man stands up "Ah! Mrs. Peralta please take a seat"

I take a seat next to Liv and glance at her "So what happened?"

"We aren't sure yet we are currently getting statements from witnesses"

I sigh "Liv , what happened?"

She just sat there ignoring me "We haven't got anything from her yet" Mr. Jones tells me.

I turn to her "What happened Liv?"

She sighs "It doesn't matter can we just leave I'm gonna be suspended either way"

"Please tell us , it would help us get to the bottom of it" Mr. Jones looked at her.

"Okay fine if you really wanna know I was walking through the corridor to homeroom when she tapped me on the shoulder and congratulated me on the stream so I said thanks amd walked away. She then said 'and'" She gulped "congrats on giving up on being a drug addict and alcoholic"

"Okay thank you Olivia this was very helpful , Ms. Peralta we will be in touch soon" He smiled.

"Thank you" I stood up.

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