"Want a little sibling?"

Start from the beginning

"It was him" Hitoshi pointed at the blonde man who was now trembling under his husband's glare.

"Uh..snitch!" He frowned at the boy.

"It was for a good cause though.." The teen shrugged. "He was gonna make you pancakes but- that flopped."

"You're a pro-hero, how can't you make Pancakes?" Asked Shouta.


"Well what about you Hito? I thought you'd be of some assistance" He frowned at the boy.

"What do you want me to do? Ask it a question? that's not how my quirk works" He rolled his eyes.

"I meant with cooking" He scoffed "You know Hizashi's a terrible cook"

"Oh that.." He looked back at the pan "it seemed funny" He shrugged.

"I- you know what? Just get ready for school" Shouta sighed. "I'll clean this mess up."

And that was it, A day in the life of the Aizawa, Yamada, Shinsou family.

An endless cycle of Hizashi either buying lots of junk,

Accidentally breaking things

Rom-coms at 2am

And rollerblading in the living room.

If Hitoshi wasn't taking pictures of his dad's crazy stunts, he was either.



Ignoring everyone on purpose

Or using his phone and just not giving a single fuck. Shouta called it an Emo phase.

Then there was Shouta, he was always running after his husband like a mother. Literally. You'd be surprised how many times the kitchen had caught fire before then.

He was also a teacher so his schedule was pretty hectic. Then again; so was Hizashi.

And thus they went about their normal days:

I will not be writing about school and stuff because i barely remember and um...uh sorry!

°❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫/ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈°

"So..." Hizashi poked Shouta. They were the last ones left in the teacher's lounge, they stayed to grade papers so they wouldn't have to do them at home.

They didn't particularly like working at home because Hitoshi felt that was all they did.


"I was just thinking.."

"You? Thinking? That's new" Shouta joked

"Hey!" Hizashi lightly smacked his arm. "I do lots of thinking. For your information. That's why I'm a teacher"

"English is the only subject you're good at" Shouta rolled his eye.

"Are you gonna listen to me or will you keep berating me?"

"Okay okay relax!" Shouta laughed "what's on your mind?"

"Doesn't Hitoshi seem...well- a little...lonely?" He started, whispering the last word.

"Yes. I did notice that.." He nodded "what about it?"

"What about it?" Hizashi repeated "that's your kid. Be more considerate"

"It's been on my mind too.." He sighed, turning the test sheet "but what do you suggest we even do about it?"

"I don't know- we can get him some friends?" Hizashi suggested.

Kitten (BNHA X Child!Reader)✅Where stories live. Discover now