First Day Of School

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Anne woke up early the next morning, she was so nervous. She had a shower washed her hair and brushed her teeth. She picked out a pair of black ripped jeans and a cropped royal blue sweater to wear. She put her hair into two braids put on a pair of blue converse and went down to breakfast.
Anne said good morning to everyone and sat at the table. Marilla explained that her and Matthew would both be working today. Matthew would be back at three and marilla would be back at five o'clock. Anne asked who would help John today and Gilbert told her their friend Bash (who was also John's nurse) would be here. Anne took her dish to the dishwasher and put it in, grabbed her bag and coat and gave kisses to all of the adults while she waited for Gilbert to say goodbye.
They walked through the woods towards school and Gilbert noticed Anne getting quieter. He told her all about school, teachers, pupils and classes. She tried to calm down but her breathing was getting slightly erratic.
They walked into the school and all eyes turned towards them, Gilbert ignored it and took Anne to the office to get her schedule and locker key.
He showed Anne to her locker and had a quick look at her schedule he told her she was in all his classes except for gym. He told her all the sports that could be played but he wasn't too sure about what the girls were offered.
First class was maths with Mr Phillips whose hair looked like he had stuck his finger in a plug socket and he had a really weird early nineteenth century moustache.
Gilbert asked Anne to sit next to him, she was relieved but it was obvious that Gilbert was extremely popular, all the boys said hello to him and all the girls blushed and stared at him.
Mr Phillips asked Anne to Introduce herself to the class
"I'm Anne I'm an orphan, I like reading, writing and music" Anne said quickly while blushing bright red. She sat back down and Gilbert gave her a reassuring smile. Anne didn't understand the equations they were doing in class so she wrote them all down determined to learn how to do them at home. The bell rang and they were off to English next. Anne sat next to Gilbert again some of the girls were whispering and she heard the two blonde girls that she recognised from the mall saying that Anne was ugly.
Anne felt her face go red but not from sorrow from pure anger. The girls started laughing but they were arrogant enough not to realise that Anne was tougher than most of the boys in this school and they had made an enemy.
After English it was lunch Gilbert led Anne to the table where all his friends sat he introduced everyone to Anne they were all so friendly.
"do you play any instruments Anne" asked Moody
"erm a bit of piano, what do you play" Moody told her he played guitar and Charlie played drums. They were looking for a singer so the could start playing at venues to earn some money. Anne suggested they hold a days trial for singers to audition and said she would ask Marilla if they could do it at her cafe. Cole who was an artist offered to make the posters.
Anne was getting along with them all really well she really was happy to fit in.
She felt a presence behind her before she felt the milk tipped over her head. It was Josie laughing with her friends
Anne stood up "you fucking evil nasty bitch with your queen bee complex" Josie just smirked so Anne punched her in the nose. They all heard the crack of josies nose before they saw the blood Anne grabbed Ruby by her ponytail and punched her in the face then she ran at the gang of bitches who screamed and ran away.
Josie looked for help expecting Gilbert to help her but he just coldly told her she deserved it.
Anne was called to the office of the deputy principal who was Mr Phillips her maths teacher, she knew he already disliked her so he wasn't going to be fair. Anne knocked on the door and was told to enter Josie,Ruby and their  gang were crying to Mr Phillips saying Anne had attacked them for no reason. Anne told him all they had said and done but he didn't care. He told her she was expelled from the school, Josie smiled slyly at Anne but Anne ignored her and walked out.
Gilbert, Diana, Jane, Tillie, moody, Cole, Jerry and Charlie were all waiting for her when she left the office. She told them she had been expelled they all went mad saying it wasn't fair. Anne packed her locker up returned the key and left school. She started to walk home when she realised Marilla was at work, so she walked to the cafe instead.
She opened the door to the cafe and thank goodness it was quiet, Marilla walked out from behind the counter and Anne ran to her crying. Marilla hugged Anne tightly and told her it would all be OK. Anne explained to Marilla what had happened and she phoned and spoke to the principal.
The principal Mrs Kay told Marilla that Anne was not expelled she asked Marilla to bring Anne to her office tomorrow morning.
Marilla told Anne to go home so Anne walked back to green gables feeling very sad. Bash and John greeted her when she walked in and she told them everything that happened, she was crying so hard that she nearly didn't hear Nash when he said "well damn Anne you are one tough cookie" at that they were all laughing. Anne decided she was going to cook dinner and do extra chores being as she had nothing else to do, she polished, hoovered and mopped the whole of green gables, she had washed and dried two loads of washing. She had decided to cook a roast chicken dinner and asked Bash if he wanted to join them, Bash said he would and that he needed to find somewhere to stay overnight so he could look after John tomorrow.
Matthew walked in the front door feeling tired, there was a mug of tea and a plate of cakes waiting for him when he sat down. Anne told him what had happened at school he was furious. When Gilbert walked in there was coffee and a snack waiting for him. He told Anne that everyone from their gang had gone to the principal to tell her what had happened and that there was a line down to the cafeteria of other kids from their year waiting to tell the principal the truth of what had happened.
Gilbert was laughing about Josie and Ruby, he was in awe of Anne and how she put them both in their place.
When Marilla walked in there was a mug of tea waiting for her and dinner was nearly ready, She could not believe Anne had cleaned the whole house, done the washing and cooked the dinner. Marilla was slightly tearful as she gave Anne a hug. Marilla was exhausted and knew she needed more help at work and home.
The dinner was delicious Anne dished up the dessert which everyone ate then Anne unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen. Marilla said Bash could stay with them through the week and Anne went to make the bed in the last empty guest room. It was a peaceful evening that they shared like one big family talking and laughing. Anne was happy, she felt like she truly belonged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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