Coming Home

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Anne looked around the beautiful home with wide eyes and a smile on her face. Gilbert and John sat down at the kitchen table and watched with smiles on their faces.
"now Gilbert and John you must stay here with us for the next week while I air your house out for you" stated Marilla with no room for any arguments
"Mar we don't want to impose, we aooriciate your kindness though" said John
"fiddlesticks what kind of friends would we be to allow you to go home especially in your condition John" said Marilla with a smile at John's nickname for her
" thank you Miss Cuthbert we appreciate your offer" said Gilbert
It was settled John would have the guest room downstairs across the hall from Matthew and Marilla's room while Gilbert would have the spare room upstairs next to Anne's.
The had tea and cakes then Marilla showed them each to their rooms, Gilbert helped John into his pyjamas so he could sleep for a while. Then he followed Marilla and Anne upstairs, he went to relax in what was his room.
Marilla opened the door to Anne's room and Anne was overjoyed, it had an ensuite bathroom and a huge walk in closet. There was a big double bed in the center of the room with fairy lights attached to the headboard. The walls were painted a jade green and the main wall was papered in a silver butterfly wallpaper. There was a desk under a big bay window which looked lovely for all Anne's writing.
"Marilla thank you, this room is beautiful" said Anne
"Anne you are very welcome, please keep it tidy though I can't abide mess" said Marilla with a kind smile
Anne nodded and Marilla left her to get settled in.
Anne went into her bathroom and washed her face and hands then she changed into an oversized tshirt and leggings. She lay on her bed staring out of the window at the cherry blossom tree outside.
Anne was bodily tired but her brain was wide awake and wouldn't let her sleep. Anne started thinking about Gilbert, how handsome he was, how intelligent he was and how dedicated he was to his Dad. Anne thought she would never have a chance with someone as wonderful as Gilbert so she was determined to become his friend.
In Gilbert's room he was thinking about Anne and how breathtakingly stunning she was, how intelligent and brave and humble she was. He thought he would never have a chance with someone as amazing as Anne so he was determined to be the best of friends with her.
A few hours later Anne had unpacked both of her new suitcases and put everything away in her huge wardrobe. She was amazed that the Cuthberts had bought her a lot of new clothes, there were dresses, skirts, blouses, jeans, leggings, tshirts, hoodies, jumpers, cardigans, trainers, boots and shoes. Then on the back of the door were new handbags, backpacks and dressy purses. There were hair accessories in one of the drawers, makeup in another and costume jewellry in the last draw.
In the other set of draws were new underwear and pyjamas. Anne had never owned so many things and she had learned from a young age that things aren't important, people are.
Anne had just sat at her desk when Marilla called her for dinner. She walked down the stairs to find everyone waiting for her.
She sat down and they all joined hands and said grace before they ate the delicious homemade lasagne, salad, fries and garlic bread.
Anne had never seen so much food before and realised this would be a good home, she wouldn't be starved, beaten or called nasty names. This greatly alleviated most of Anne's worries so she was able to enjoy her meal. When they had finished Anne insisted on washing up while Gilbert dried the dishes. After that was done Marilla suggested Gilbert showed Anne the town, she told them both to be back by 8.30pm, they had three hours to see everything. Anne grabbed her wallet and phone and a denim jacket and off they went.
Gilbert showed her where Diana Barry lived and said Anne would really like her. Then he showed her his house as they walked past into the woods.
They were walking through the trees when they heard voices and laughter.
A boy with dirty blonde hair smiled at Gilbert and looked Anne up and down.
"Hi Gilbert I didn't know you were back, did you get yourself a pet dog there, I see by your old small clothes you are still a pauper Gilbert"
"fuck off you arrogant arsehole" Anne shouted, Gilbert told Billy to get lost and they walked off. Gilbert told Anne to avoid Billy as much as possible because he was a nasty piece of work.

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