"I wouldn't ask if I could get them in a cab but-"

"No, it's fine, I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm just finishing," Emily thanked her again before hanging up. Emily left Jason mumbling against the railing to find Madi sniggering at something the alpha she had been making out with said to her.

"I have to take Jason home, he can't walk," Emily shouted over the loud music. Madi nodded and began to move, telling the alpha something. Emily didn't wait as she escaped the loud music. She walked out to sit with Jason who babbled about the alpha's large appendage in great detail. She sighed in relief as a familiar red truck pulled up. Emily stood dusting off the dress she had put on to help Jason up who stumbled into her almost losing her balance.

"Woah, ok," Kate was there, her hair in a familiar ponytail as she gripped Jason who lent heavily against the alpha. Emily felt Kate's hand on her back, the only thing keeping her up from Jason's weight. "Let's get you home," The alpha chuckled, as she pulled Jason's arm over her shoulder. Once the omega was safely stored in the backseat of the truck Emily sighed.

"Thank you for coming," Emily admitted.

"It's ok, Ash is here so I'm going to see if he wants a ride before heading," Kate smiled softly, she followed the alpha inside grabbing Madi as she saw Ash shake his head gesturing to a girl across the lawn. The familiar muscle in Kate's jaw tense as she nodded walking back out to the car. Emily helped Madi in and hopped into the familiar front seat. They drove to the apartment, Emily prayed for silence but her friends wouldn't have it.

"Anyway, basically if you use this swirl technique it'll be a game changer for oral," Madi informed them with a drunken slur. Emily felt her cheeks heating up at the thought.

"Honestly, Kate you should try it, I bet you could get any girl to come in seconds," Madi patted the alpha roughly on the shoulder. Emily glanced at the alpha who looked like she wanted to curl into a hole and die.

"Do you date Kate? Is it women or guys or a bit of both," Emily swore she heard Kate groan but the alpha didn't answer as Madi continued on her tirade.

"I mean I highly doubt it would matter, a tongue technique could be applied to dick too."

"Madi please stop" Emily implored.

"Aw, are you getting embarrassed Em?" Madi teased.

"Look you can keep your vanilla ways all you want, I'm just saying this could really spice things up."

"I'm not vanilla," The protest was out of her mouth before she realised it, and Madi's drunken challenge only seemed to excite the beta as she sat forward. Emily glanced at Kate who was clearly trying to hide her smirk.

"Oh really, do tell?" Madi chuckled.

"I'm not telling you anything in this state," Emily backtracked.

"Oh please, we all know you let Tom do practically what he wanted," Madi babbled. Emily felt like the air was sucked from her lungs. She glared at Madi who continued to babble on about Jason's love life. The tension in the cab had reached an all time high as she silently retreated into herself. She was thankful when they pulled up to the apartment buildings.

"Do you want to get blabber mouth inside and open the door? I'll get sleeping beauty," Kate chuckled. Emily was thankful to be away from the alpha and any further discussions on her love life. She got Madi upstairs and into her bed, the beta asleep before she hit the pillow, she walked out to find Kate carrying Jason in, her muscles flexed in the white shirt as she set him on the couch.

"I'm so sorry you had to put up with that," Emily sighed as Emily made tea.

"It's ok, your friends are funny," Kate chuckled as Emily handed her tea.

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