Forever You (Fluff)

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Toni's POV:
It had been 3 days since I last saw Cheryl we had just broken up and it was all my fault, I had spent way to much time obsessing over school and my photography that I hadn't spent any time with her or the Pretty Poisons. And they were MY gang and Cheryl was MY girlfriend and yet I had been ignoring both of them. I missed her so much and I wish I could make it up to her.

Cheryl's POV:
It was the middle of the night and I was still thinking about her, Toni the girl who chose her work over me and her gang. She was the one who messed up so why do I feel bad? I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. *30 minutes later* I was still awake, and I was still thinking about Toni except now I knew why. I still loved her despite the fact that she had ignored me and that she left me to run her gang I still loved her. I would always love her because she was my soulmate. Ugh! why did I break up with her. I should have realized that she was just trying to focus in school and her photography to get into a good college and I should have realized how important that was to her. Just then Juniper started crying. I got up and walked to the nursery where they both were. I looked a Dagwood... asleep. But Juniper was wide awake I wondered how Dagwood slept through that but he did. I picked up Juniper and rocked her till she calmed down. Once she was asleep I walked back into my room to try and get some sleep since it was now 1AM. Just then there was a knock on the door.

Toni's POV:
Even if Cheryl wasn't going to forgive me I need to apologize. I mean I already did but I wanted to again because I still had some hope that we would get back together. I arrived at her house and I thought that she probably wouldn't answer because it was 1AM but I still wanted to try. I knocked on her door and to my surprise she answered. T- Hey Cheryl so I know that you are probably wondering why I am at your house at 1AM but I-I need to tell you something. Ch- No I need to tell you something. T- Ok but let me go first. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for ignoring you and leav- Ch- No Toni I'm sorry I should have realized how important your photography and school was to you. T- Wait really, does that mean you forgive me? Ch- Yes Toni and I-I love you and I will always love you. I couldn't hold it back anymore I grabbed her and pulled her closer to me and then kissed her. After a few seconds we slowly pulled away. T- I love you too Cher. D-does this mean we are back together? I asked nervously. Ch- *nods* We walked upstairs to her room and both laid down next to each other and fell asleep.

Hey guys I hoped you liked the one shot if you did plz take two seconds and vote it would really mean a lot to me.💕😊

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