Start from the beginning


          I  Stood there with Aurora and Clayton,  with Clay teasing me about my crown been bigger than my head,  we both laughed and I smacked his head which caused him to groan and roll his eyes, I laughed at his immature behavior and non stop whining, 

I stopped laughing so hard and started wiping my eyes with his robe which caused him to groan again, making Aurora go into another fit of laughter, I smiled and was about to say something when Nathan cleared his throat,  we looked up at him and instantly noticed the gloomy look on his face, 

Aurora went over and he pulled her closer into a hug then whispered something to her, she immediately whipped her head to us then let out a nervous breath and smiled uncomfortable, Clay and I instantly realized that there had to be trouble if their moods were no longer light,    I looked at Nathan who in turn was looking behind me, I followed his line of sight till it landed on Ash who looked pale beyond imagination, Ash nodded his head to Nathan which he reciprocated with one of his own.

Nathan kissed Aurora's forehead then started walking towards the back door, in confusion I turned to search for answers from my  mate only to see him equally headed in that direction, Clay and I took that as a sign that we needed to also follow them.

     Few minutes later we were in a really big room that had a wide table that housed both ancient and modern scrolls, I had never seen a thing like that before,

I started looking around the walls that equally had scrolls nailed in them,  till my eyes landed on one in  the far end of the room, it was larger than the rest and It  was hanged in such a manner that you would think it was written right there, I started walking towards it till I stopped right before it with Clayton right by my side, 

this moment actually felt different,   we felt in sync with each other,     it had began after the crown was placed on my head but I felt it was probably a part of the new connections that were been woven in my mind,

I looked at him then back at the scroll before me,  I wanted to read the content but was interrupted by Ashe's voice,

      "this has been the scroll room for centuries now, sometimes the scrolls will just appear while other times they were delivered by the elders,   this particular one came the day I agreed to go in search of you Claire, I was headed to my office when I suddenly felt the building shake, I saw light coming from this room so I ran in here to know what was going on, when I got in this was what I saw, I called many shifters to see if they could interpret it but none could hence I left it, when Nathan arrived I showed it to him too but he said it wasn't meant for us to interpret because it is the language of the gods,   I decided to leave it be,  after the coronation Selene told me it was time,  I don't know what she meant but I believe you both might understand all of this better"

    When he finished his speech I looked at Nathan hoping for some answers but he just smiled and nodded his head towards the scroll on the wall.

I turned again and held Clay's hand because I was totally freaking out, he smiled at me then did something I didn't think he could, he spoke through our mind link telling me it was now or never,  my smile became wider and I nodded my head showing him i understood, we looked back up and as if on a count we began:

              "In the thirteenth solstice in the south will the twins of destiny be born, bonds shall be broken and ways shall part, time shall become a factor of training,   seasons shall come and go, one will feel the void the other has left while the other will be left in the depth of affliction,    on the  fortieth season one will fight for a way through from those depth of afflictions and will ignite the bond with the beast whose soul lingers with uncertainty and vengeance,    bonds will be united and the twins of destiny will be as one again,  the other will be bonded with the beast whose breath will send a king to the great beyond,   
Time will become of essence because one will be deemed worthy of the crown, and surely will be crowned, that is the moment when all will be set in motion,  battles will begin and there will be the severance of the soul that has lingered since time immemorial, then and only then will the concept of Wills and Love be of essence"
Know This,   he whose soul is at unrest must guard that which completes him with strength because upon death will the beast awaken and all will be lost that he once swore to protect,   "

By the time we were done reading I felt my eyes were no longer the same and I felt a new surge of power course through me and into Clay and also from Clay into me, I looked at him only to realize we were no longer on the floor we were levitating,  I looked down and saw our family joined hand in hand as though they were praying,  I looked at Clay and saw his other hand stretched towards mine, I took it and immediately felt a strong force hit us both at once causing us both to scream, everywhere had become absolutely bright, we were cocooned in bright blinding lights with ethereal whisper surrounding us.

     After a short while I felt us slowly going back down,  I was caught by Ash while Clay was caught by Xenia, the Dragon's second in command with her twin brother Xerox.

  I held Ash a bit tighter then turned to look at Everyone who  stood there really quiet as though waiting for someone to first speak.

my father broke the silence and confirmed what we were all thinking because he said

          "If we go by everything that has happened, then that means we are in the phase of the prophecy were the crown has been given to Claire,   that also  means we should get ready for battle."

        We all nodded our heads in agreement, and I was about to tell them that it's probably what Selene meant when she said it was time,  but I was interrupted by a loud bang on the door,  we all looked at each other before Aurora slowly went to the door and opened it, there stood a battered looking warrior holding his bleeding sides securely, I gasped and felt Ashe's arm tighten around me, we took a step forward while Aurora stretched her hand to the man to offer support, he finally looked up from his bended position,

but  the next words that left his mouth made me realize that indeed time was no longer a concept I understood.

         "Your Majesties,  We've been attacked"

        With that said he fell and passed out, we kept telling ourselves that we needed to prepare, unknown to us we actually were already in the battle field

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