|Chapter 2| 🗣Sharing The Truth🗣

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Y/n's POV:

I was woken up by the sound of muffled crying. I sat up and saw Emma digging her head into her pillow, she was the one crying.

I stepped out of my bed and sat on Emma's bed, rubbing her back.

"Emma. . .Is everything okay?"
I asked her, she looked up at me. It was a little dark, but her eyes were probably sore from crying to much.

Out of no where, I felt Emma hugging me tight, I hugged her back.

"Please, don't leave me too Y/n."
Emma said, as she stopped hugging me and cupped my cheeks with her cold hands.

"Of course I won't leave you Emma. I'm right here with you."
I said, almost starting to cry. Emma rested her head on my lap, while I stroking her hair.

After a while, eyes started to get heavy. I looked down to see Emma sleeping peacefully.

I grinned and I carefully laid her down in her spot again. I pulled the blanket over her and I went to my bed to sleep.

When I looked up at the clock, the time said 4:31 .

I shut my eyes and tried to sleep while I still could. I only had a little time to sleep.

. . . .
Y/n's POV (Still)
I was walking into the kitchen to help make breakfast with Norman.
When I took a few ingrediants from the shelf, Norman greeted me.

"Good Morning Y/n."
He said, as I gave him the box of ingredients. Norman put them on the table that was near us.

My stomach started to hurt. I really wanted to know what was wrong with Emma and Norman. Lastnight, when they came back without Little Bunny, they barely said anything.

I wanted to ask, as soon as I opened my mouth and Norman looked up at me, I couldn't speak. It's like all of my words got stolen. All I could say is "Nevermind."

When we were almost finished cooking the food, I decided to hum my F/s to make me feel better.

I didn't feel like I was in the house anymore, but, in my own world. Full of things that I imagined.

I imagined sitting in a field full of flowers on a warm Spring afternoon, surrounded by my F/a.

It soon came to a stop when I felt someone tap on my shoulder, popping my imagination bubble and going back to real life.

"Are you okay Y/n?"
Norman asked me, he even had the cart ready. While I was in my Wonderland, he was taking care of the food, it made me feel bad. I apologized to him and he accepted it.

"By the way, I need to tell you something imp-"
Norman stopped as a little red-headed girl, Sherry, came up to him and hugged his leg.

"Morning Norman!"
Sherry giggled, still hugging Norman's leg. It was so adorable. They both almost looked and sounded like Brother and Sister, just like Conny and Don.

"Morning Sherry."
Norman stopped pushing the cart, and he patted her head. Then he looked up at me.

"I'll tell you later Y/n."
Norman told me, I nodded.

When Sherry went to her seat, Norman continued on pushing the cart. As he was placing the food down on the plates, I noticed him glaring at Mama, watching her every move.

It looked very suspicious to me, but I just went over to the table and helped him put the breakfast on everyone's  plates.

. . . .

Ray's POV:

I was sitting inside today, it looked cloudy. As I was sitting by the window reading a book, I noticed Y/n was looking around before she went into the forest.

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