|Chapter 3 | 👁New 👄 Eyes👁

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3rd POV

Emma, Norman, Ray and Y/n were standing on the staircase, watching Mama get Krone situated.

"Mom put Krone near the bedrooms, so she can watch us. ."
Ray, the adorable emo spoke. Y/n suddenly felt very uneasy and tried her best to look serious. Even though she felt frightened, she didn't want to look bad infront of her friends who looked serious about this whole situation.

Suddenly, Krone turned towards the four eleven-year olds and they quickly changed their serious faces into innocent smiles.

. . . .
3rd POV (Still)

The sun was setting, and the kids were all playing outside still, except for the four older kids making their way to the library.

"H-hey Emma. . ."
Y/n asked the orange-juice-haired girl.

Emma replied. The H/c girl looked worried and kept looking around everywhere. She stopped walking, so did Emma.

"C-can I go somewhere else?"
The shy girl asked, the boys heard and they stopped walking too.

"Sure, but is everything okay Y/n?"

"Um, yes. I'll join the others outside."
And so, Y/n walked away, looking down at the floor. The trio watched the girl for a few seconds, but then brought their attention back to walking.

"Is Y/n really okay?"
Norman asked, turning his head to Emma.

"I don't know. ."
Once Emma looked behind her, Y/n already disappeared.

"Let's check on her later. She looks like she wants her space."
Ray joined. After the last words of the short conversation, Emma, Norman and Ray kept walking to the library.

. . . .
Y/N's POV:

I decided to go outside, to be surrounded by the beauty of nature. Which helped me calm down.

I was hiding behind the wall near the door, searching if Sister Krone was around. But, she was no where to be found. Only the kiddies were out here, playing before the sun goes down to rest.
I sighed in relief and decided to climb up the tree Ray usually sits under.

I gripped myself up on a thick branch and finally sat down, panting only a little.
I was looking around, but suddenly, I stopped. My eyes were caught on a certain tall lady. Sister Krone.

My heart beat started to quicken. She was looking right at me, motioning me to come over to her. I quickly put on a smile and jumped down the tree. I ran up to her, trying to smile. Just like Norman told me to earlier.

"Hello Sister Krone!"
I greeted her. She patted my head. Forgive me for what I'm about to say, it felt like Shrek was patting my head, her hands are so huge!

"Can I tell you something Y/n?"
Sister Krone said as she stopped patting me, I could feel her hot breath land on me. forgive me, but her breath was a putrid smell!

But, I answered her by nodding.

"I heard that you can sing."
Chills were sent down my spine. How does she know that I can sing? Did Mom tell her? If so, how does Mom know?

"U-um, Y-yeah!"
I said quickly, messing up my words.

"You can come into my room tonight. If you want, we can sing together! A great start of getting to know eachother Aye?"
Krone twirled around, singing her words at the same time.

"Um, I'll. .Think about it. I really need to get going."
I tried to end the conversation. This woman was making me feel very uncomfortable. Before I turned the corner that leads to the front door, I took one last look at her. Krone was looking at me with her creepy grin and eyes. It was like the fun side of her raised higher and higher, mixing with super craziness. Sister Krone looked like a stalker!

{HAITUS} Sing For Us Y/n - The Promised Neverland x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora