Chapter 4

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Ron's POV 

The game went by fairly quick, the Slytherins and Harry's team winning. Rons was pretty out of practice, but thankfully no one seemed to mind so much. They all were still up in the air, hovering about 10 feet off the ground and talking. 

"Im heading down to talk to the girls about Italy, good game boys." Angelina said, flying down to land in front of the girls on the couch. 

"You guys are going to Italy?" Ron asked, trying to make polite conversation. 

"No, just the girls. Pans is releasing her new fashion line next Friday so the girls are going to the show and then spending the weekend in Draco and Hermione's Villa." Theo answered. 

"Its going to be their last girls trip before Hermione gives birth, so they are all pretty excited."  Draco added. 

"Yeah, our wives are off in Italy having a relaxing weekend and we get stuck with all the kids. Im so happy for them." Blaise added with a scowl. Draco laughed. 

"We all know we are just going to end up here at the manor all weekend anyways, making sure Draco doesn't have a panic attack at the fact that 'Mione is more than 6 ft. away from him." Harry added with a small smirk. 

"Ha-Ha, very funny Harry." Draco said with a glare. "You try having a 7 months pregnant wife that doesn't know the meaning of slowing down. And now she's going to be in another country? Of course i'm going to panic." Draco replied with a huff. 

Ron found himself grinning along with them. 

"I also think that father is going to use the opportunity of Mya being gone to sneak in a puppy for the kids, so now I have that to worry about. As if the twins aren't enough trouble without the help of animals."  Draco added, rolling his eyes. 

Theo huffed. "Please, i'm sure Hermione is already anticipating that and has wards in place. That woman is bloody brilliant." 

At this, Draco grinned and looked down at his wife, pride shining in his eyes. Ron watched him watch her for a moment before Draco's gaze landed on him. There was weariness lining his face, his lips pulled down in a slight frown. 

"So you're back now?" He asked, a new hardness in his voice was present. Ron saw the other 3 men exchange quick looks and then Blaise and Theo flew away, leaving Ron with just Harry and Draco. Ron wasn't sure if Harry was there for his sake or Draco's. Or maybe because he wanted the answers himself. 

Ron swallowed. "Uh, yeah. I guess I am." 

"Not going to disappear again for 6 years and ignore everyones letters?" 

"No. Im back for good." Ron said, feeling the guilt of those words. 

"Good." Draco said with a nod, turning to watch his wife. "You did a lot of damage when you left like that, Weasley. Everyone was trying to heal from the war and you made it really hard, for Hermione especially. She lost friends, she was tortured, she had to deal with the fact that she erased her parents memory to protect them and they would never get it back. She had to reveal a secret relationship with a man that everyone hated, and she was pregnant. Then she carried the guilt that you disappeared because of her, and now your whole family was hurting." Draco paused, turning to give Ron a hard look. "She was drowning in it all and she needed her best friends to help her through it. She wrote you, and begged you over and over again to just come home and talk to her. Thank Merlin that Harry listened, and she was eventually able to get pass the misplaced guilt and move on." 

Ron felt the weight of his words. He never stopped to consider how his leaving would effect everyone. He didn't realize how much it would hurt them all. Draco turned and looked at Hermione again, his gaze sweeping over the grounds and refocusing on her. 

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