Chapter 2

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Harry's POV 

I was scanning the groups, looking for Hermione. I hadn't seen her for about a week and was missing my best friend. I saw Blaise and Ginny handing out training brooms to some of the kids, Arthur and Molly were with Narcissa and Lucius, all wrapped up in the twins. Theo, Pansy, Neville, Luna and my wife, Daphne were in a group talking and keeping an eye on the kids on the massive playground. George, Angelina, Katie, and Draco were in another group closer to the open back doors of the house. With no sign of Hermione, I decided to head towards that group. Fred should be arriving soon but the rest of the Weasleys wouldn't be able to attend. Charlie was still working with dragons, Bill and Fleur were in France and Percy and his new wife Audrey were on their Honeymoon. No one has spoken to Ron in years. 

"You've got it all wrong mate! Mark my words, me and Freddie think this will be a huge hit." George was saying to Draco as Harry walked up to the group. Draco just rolled his eyes. 

"What did you two invent now?" Harry asked wearily. 

"Oh nothing much, just another crazy gadget to get my children killed." Draco chimed in with a small glare at George. 

"Oh lighten up! They are just an advanced form of fireworks!" 

"Yes, that you have to light from the air!" Draco replied, exasperated. 

Harry began to get a little concerned himself, thinking that was awfully dangerous for when his son was old enough to fly.

George just waved off Draco's concerns. "Thats what makes it so awesome!" 

"Hey, it's your funeral. You're the one that's going to have to deal with my wife when she hears about this." Draco replied with a knowing smirk. George paled a little at that thought and everyone laughed. 

"I got to go talk to Fred." George said, quickly kissing Angelina's cheek and running off to find his twin. 

"Speaking of your wife, where is she?" Harry asked. 

"She had a late meeting today for the new Centaur rights amendment she's been working on. I tried to get her to postpone so she could enjoy the party, but you know how she is. She should be here within the next half hour though." 

"That woman works too hard." Katie said. 

"Believe me, I know." Draco said with a sigh. Harry grinned as he saw his friend's brow pinch together with worry. It was nice to see the change in Draco since they were kids at school. At first, it had been hard to accept him as part of his life, but it was seeing the love he had for his wife that ultimately let him put the past behind. And thank Merlin for that, because now he is one of his closest friends. 

"Well I think I might go and find George and Fred. Im a little scared what they are going to think up now that the in-air fireworks are a no-go." Harry said to the group. 

"Oh please do. Whatever it is they release, the twins are going to be all over it. They basically consider George and Fred Gods. It's enough to keep me up at night." Draco replied with a small shiver and worried eyes. 

Harry and the girls laughed. 

"When you find Fred, will you send him my way?" Katie asked. Harry nodded and smiled, turning to head towards the greeting room where the Floo was. He knew Fred was coming late so he figured that would be the best place to find them scheming. He walked into the room and to his surprise there was another redhead standing with the Weasley twins. 

Fred and George were talking, joking it looked like. Ron was standing there watching his brothers with a look of guilt and anger in his features. Fred noticed Harry first. 

"Harry! Look who I ran into at the Burrow. Apparently our little Won-Won has finally come home to surprise dear old dad." Fred said, a small twinkle in his eyes. Harry immediately knew the twins had something up their sleeve. 

"Hi Ron." 

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Ron asked looking slightly confused. 

"Why wouldn't I be here?" 

"Well.. I mean.. this is Malfoy's house! I figured you and Hermione wouldn't chose to be anywhere near that Death Eater git. Although i'm not sure why my family would be here either." 

Harry raised his eyebrows, looking back and forth between the twins. They both had identical mischievous smirks on their face, begging him to play along. 

"Although now that I think about it, I guess you would have had to come because of Ginny." Ron added.


"Well yeah. I mean you can't miss your girlfriend's dad's birthday party now, can you?" Ron said with a small smile. 

Harry just stared at him. He knew that Ron stopped replying to everybody's letters but he couldn't be this far out of the loop, right? How could you never check in on the news for the Britain Wizarding World when your whole family and everybody you knew lived there? Harry snapped back to the conversation. 

"No, I guess you can't" Was all he replied. The twins smiled at him, taking this as a sign that he was going to play along and not tell Ron everything right away. 

"Fred, Katie wants you. And you guys better not be coming up with something more dangerous than that idiotic fireworks idea." Harry said, looking sternly at both of them. 

"Aw, looks like our favorite overprotective papa bear has some competition. Come Freddie, lets scheme on the way to our wives." George replied. Harry rolled his eyes as the twins started to walk away, leaving Harry with Ron. 

"You two realize that your kids will be using these too, right?" Harry called after them, but they just waved him off over their shoulder, heads together in conversation. Harry chuckled and turned back to his old friend. 

"They have kids?" Ron asked, surprised. "And they're married?"  

"A lot has happened since you left, Ron." Hearing this, Ron flinched and Harry decided to give him a few more details. "George married Angelina Johnson and Fred married Katie bell in a joint wedding three years ago. George and Angelina have a 1 year old son named Declan and Fred and Katie are about 6 months pregnant with their first." 

"Wow. I had no idea." Ron said quietly. Harry motioned him to follow, leading him through the manor to where the party was. 

"Come on, i'll take you out to everyone. Just remember, Ron, a lot has changed since you left. Everyone gets along really well now." 

"I'm just surprised. I mean, Malfoy? Why is the family friends with that slimy git?! He's a Death Eater for Godric's sake!" Ron said, his anger rising. "Next thing you're going to tell me is that all the snakes are good." 

"He was never a Death Eater." Harry snapped at him. He could see Ron flinch back but he didn't particularly care. "Draco, it turned out, was working undercover for the order since 4th year. Once Voldemort officially returned and he realized his father was going to follow him again, he went to Dumbledore. He eventually was able to convince his parents to switch sides too and they all turned spies. Draco even saved Fred's life during the battle and Narcissa was the one who helped your mum kill Bellatrix, her own sister."

"I didn't know any of that." Ron mumbled. 

"Yeah well you would have if you had bothered to keep in touch with any of us, or even picked up a bloody newspaper." Harry snapped. Ron just gaped at him. Harry sighed. "Just stay here, ill go get your parents." And then he walked away, leaving Ron alone.

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