Chapter 1

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Ron's POV 

Ron was standing outside of the airport in London, waiting his turn for a cab. He had been away for a little over 6 years now, leaving with Harry immediately after the war ended. Both boys felt the need to escape the wizarding world, Harry to get away from the fame and finally have time to really grieve his Godfather, and Ron because he was nursing a broken heart after Hermione told him, in no uncertain terms, that she was not wanting to enter a romantic relationship with him. 

Ron always figured that they would get together. It was obvious to him that she always had feelings for him, so it came as quite a shock when he attempted to kiss her in the Chamber of Secrets and she immediately pushed him away. The memory was still fresh in his mind. 


Ron raced after Hermione towards the skeleton of the Basilisk they battled in 2nd year. He was feeling anxious. It seemed like the war was finally going to be over. They were about to destroy one of the final horcruxes, leaving Voldemort vulnerable for Harry to finish him off. Although he mostly felt fear, he was also excited. They were so close, it seemed, to starting over. To finally being able to be normal. He was most excited for the inevitable relationship blossoming with the girl he was with. He knew she felt the same. 

He watched said girl as she continued to chew on her lip. He knew she did that when she was anxious, or worried. It made sense for her to be doing it now. Hermione seemed distracted, though, and Ron figured it was because Harry was still out there by himself. 

Now that he thinks about it though, she seemed distracted for this whole year. He would catch her just staring off in the distance, a look of pure sadness on her face. He also noticed over the last few months how sad she really was. He shook those thoughts off, sure that she was just feeling the effects of the war, probably even sad that she didn't get to spend the last year at school, the bookworm that she is

While Ron was lost in his thoughts, Hermione had gotten the basilisk fang and prepared to destroy the cup. Ron rushed over and knelt beside her, her eyes flicking up to meet his. He saw pure determination in her gaze. Steeling herself, she raised her arm and plunged the dagger into the cup. Immediately the water around them surged, raising into a huge tidal wave, Voldemort's angry face appearing before the wave crashed, soaking both of them. Both of them were breathing hard, shocked and relieved from the experience. 

Ron felt this surge of adrenalin rushing through his veins, and he couldn't wait any longer. He grabbed Hermione's arm pulling her into him while his other arm went to cup the back of her neck to bring her in for what he expected to be a very passionate first kiss between them. Instead, he was met with Hermione stiffening and immediately pushing him away. 

Ron stared at her in disbelief. "'Mione.. Whats wrong?" 

He watched her wince, though she tried to hide it. Her eyes wouldn't meet his, instead they skated around, almost as if looking for the quickest escape. "Im sorry Ron, but I can't" 

"What do you mean you can't? We've been skirting around this relationship for years. I know you feel the same way." He had no idea what was going on. She wasn't supposed to reject him. Maybe she's just too stressed right now, he thought. It doesn't have to mean she doesn't want him, it could just be bad timing, he reassured himself. 

He watched a look of pure guilt and shock flash over her face, though she hid it quickly. He noticed she placed a hand over her stomach, as if she was sick at the thought. "I don't feel that way towards you Ron..." She started, before shaking her head. " Look, we don't have time for this right now, we need to find Nagini. We can talk about this later, yeah?" She still wouldn't meet his eyes, and she turned to start walking away, out of the chamber. 

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