Chapter 3

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Harry's POV 

Harry was still angry as he walked over to the large group of his friends.He can't believe how prejudice and immature Ron still is. Remembering the look of shock on Ron's face when Harry defended Draco Malfoy and his family was almost enough to make him laugh. He didn't regret it though, Draco was his friend and he wasn't about to let Ron insult him just because he hadn't taken the time to know what actually happened. The same goes for the rest of his friends. 

Harry was a little concerned for when Ron figured out who Hermione was married too. He could tell that Ron was still hung up on her, even though she clearly told him she wasn't interested. Harry was just hoping that he wasn't going to be the one to have to break the news. 

Harry walked up to the group consisting of Molly, Arthur, Narcissa, and Lucius. Harry liked Narcissa and Lucius but he still felt rather awkward whenever he interacted with them. Narcissa was always polite, but she had this aurora of high class that unnerved Harry. Lucius is a lot better than when they were in school but he is still very stiff and blunt. He has a very morbid, dry sense of humor that Harry has never been able to read. Most people feel the same. 

"Harry darling! Come join us!" Molly called as soon as she saw Harry walking towards them. 

"Hello Molly, Arthur. Hi Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." 

"Potter" Lucius drawled in greeting while Narcissa gave him a smile and nod. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's been an unexpected, uh.. i'm not sure how to-" 

"It's okay Harry, just say it." Arthur said gently. Lucius gave a bored sigh. 

"Well, um Ron's here." 

Harry saw the Malfoys exchange a quick glance. Molly and Arthur seemed to freeze. 

"Ron's here? As in here, at the Manor, right now?" Arthur asked. 

"Yeah, he came through the floo with Fred. I guess he decided to surprise you for your birthday and showed up at the Burrow right when Fred was about to leave." Harry said nervously. He honestly didn't know how the Weasley parents were going to react. He glanced over at the group of his friends, noticing that Fred and George were there and probably filling them in on Rons appearance. Ginny wasn't with the group however, and neither was Draco. A quick glance around the grounds placed Draco with the kids by the quidditch pitch but still no sign of Ginny. 

Arthur looked at his wife, who still seemed frozen in place. 

"Potter, does Hermione know?" Narcissa asked quietly. Harry shook his head. 

"No, I don't think she's here yet. I think Fred and George are telling everyone over there, but i'm not sure if Draco knows either." Narcissa nodded and gave him a small smile in response, before sharing another look with her husband. 

"Come on Molly, we best go see him." Arthur said, guiding his wife along. 

"We will be here if you need us." Narcissa said to Molly, catching her hand and squeezing it. Molly gave her a warm look. 

"Thank you, we will be back soon." Molly said before walking with her husband and Harry towards her youngest son. Harry took the walk over as a chance to quietly fill them in on what Ron knows, or rather, what he doesn't know. He looked up to see Ron standing with Ginny. 

Ron's POV 

Once Harry walked away, Ron took the time to really take in his surroundings. The Manor was unbelievably huge. Ron could now understand why Malfoy spent so much time bragging about this place. His eyes swept over the grounds. The was a large rose garden, a pond just beyond it with white peacocks grazing in the field. There was a huge playground structure with several children playing on it. There he could see a large group of people he recognized. He was surprised to see so many familiar faces from school at his fathers birthday party. He was also surprised to see that a lot of those faces were Slytherins. He noticed his brothers and their wives joking and laughing with the group. They all seemed to be getting along like they had been friends for years. Theo Nott was kneeling down talking to a little girl who was clutching both Luna and Neville's hands. Pansy Parkinson seemed to be in deep conversation with Katie, Angelina, and Blaise Zabini. Fred and George were laughing with what looked like one of the Greengrass sisters, Ron couldn't remember which one. Ron didn't see Ginny in the group. He then saw where Harry had walked off to, noticing him talking to his parents and Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. 

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