Mr. Blackbourne straightened his spine, "I wasn't intending to say anything about mating for the foreseeable future, Mr. Lee."

"We should keep our distance from her as well. We can be friendly, but nothing beyond that."

That statement was met with a growl not only from Mr. Blackbourne but from Dr. Green and Victor too. Luke and Gabriel protested. The two were probably the most affectionate after Dr. Green.

Mr. Blackbourne had to fight his instinct to automatically disagree with Mr. Lee. He'd been taken by surprise when he heard Dr. Green kiss Sang, and he, admittedly, hadn't reacted well to it. He wasn't sure how his wolf would react with all the others doting on her. Mr. Blackbourne also had to consider Sang's reaction to them. They were a large group, and she may not be comfortable receiving all their affection.

Mr. Blackbourne rubbed at his temples. "Mr. Lee is right. Befriend her, but nothing more and keep the physical touching to a minimum. Right now, she doesn't trust us. We need to work on that before we begin forming any kind of physical relationship. This also means that I have to ask that you don't bring in any girls. She may not have a scent, but I'm sure her nose will work just fine."

"And if she initiates?" Dr. Green asked. "I've already kissed her a few times. She enjoys it. You may be a saint, but if she wants a kiss, I'm not going to turn her down."

The urge to kill his best friend was getting stronger. Mr. Blackbourne growled at Dr. Green, "if she initiates, and it is something that she wants then you can reciprocate. Otherwise, we remain friendly. Agreed?"

Silas cut in before the others could say anything. "Shouldn't North be here for this?"

"I'll speak with him later." Mr. Blackbourne said.

"I am willing, and I will obey," Luke said quietly.

Gabriel was staring down at the floor, "I am willing, and I will obey."

Victor was next, his glare was focused on Kota. "I am willing, and I will obey."

"I am willing, and I will obey." Silas's strong voice boomed throughout the room.

Nathan shrugged, "I am willing, and I obey."

Kota went last. As long as North agreed, it would be settled. If North rejected it though, they'd have to revisit. And knowing Mr. Blackbourne, he would have a plan in place. Kota could understand where his Alpha was coming from, but he was worried about the girl. He hoped that she would make it through the transition. If she didn't, he was sure that they'd lose their Alpha to his wolf.

"I am willing, and I will obey."

Mr. Blackbourne gave a sharp nod. "Moving on then."

Dr. Green snorted and clapped Mr. Blackbourne on the shoulder, "Good luck, Alpha."

"What are we going to do about Lisa?" Victor asked. "And the Hunters that were at the mall?"

"We'll handle Lisa tomorrow." Mr. Blackbourne wasn't looking forward to that conversation. "What can you tell us about the Hunters, Victor?"

Luke spoke before Victor could, "The Hunter was Williams. We've been keeping an eye on him. The other two-"

"are students at the school." Victor finished as he pulled his laptop out of his bag.

"When school starts, I want them wired." Mr. Blackbourne growled. "That brings me to what Sang saw but the three of you didn't. As you were leaving the mall, there was someone in a white mask watching you all. The person signaled for Sang to remain quiet."

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