Chapter 44| Slytherin

Start from the beginning

Charlie said his goodbye and shortly after, I was smiling devilishly to sleep.



"Do you want to meet the guys?" he asked.

I looked away and frowned at the mention of his friends.

"No." was my reply.

"Anne love. You know this malice you're keeping with them is not healthy, right?"

"I can't make up with them, Chris. We have an history and we said and did some pretty bad things to each other that can't be taken back."

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist. It was geography class a few minutes ago until the buzzer went off to indicate spare period and the class dispersed.

Christopher and I were still in class however, with a number of other students, and I was strapped against him in his seat.

"Well, one of these days you'll have to walk up to them and apologize for these mysterious things you've done and said to them and they'll do the same. Promise?"

"Fine, I promise." I replied. "Speaking of which, I wanted you to meet someone this spare period but she made up an excuse to be elsewhere. So maybe some other time."

"I thought you don't have any friends here." he quizzed.

"Well... I don't. She's more of a sister than a friend."

"Oh. Then, good thing I'm finally going to meet my sister-in-law. Baby steps, but I can't wait to meet your parents." he gestured to himself with a cocky smile, "There's no way they'll see all this and deny me of their blessing to have you."

I laughed at his easy charms.

"No, they won't."

Christopher smiled back and leaned in to kiss me on the forehead. I closed my eyes and wished he'd meet my dad some day.



I got to the mansion in cargo shorts and tank top around half past eight in the morning. I was early, yes, but only to make it in time before the tutorial began.

Things got even better when granny sat me in the living room saying he was in the mini lounge and busy with something important to attend to me right away.

Dying of curiosity, I waited until I was left alone before going to take a peek in the see-through door and found Christopher with an older man in his thirties and both were having a seemingly grave talk. I stayed there, craned up against the wall and wondering what the meeting was all about.

The man was taking down notes every once a while and Christopher was hunched over across him like a scolded kid. Just then, the man took his round rimmed glasses from the table in front of him and set it on the edge of his nose bridge as he said something, to which Christopher's expression suddenly darkened.

if only I can hear what they're saying...

Crouching a little, I pressed my ear on the edge of the door to make out their voices when out of nowhere, a deep masculine voice boomed above me causing me to break a sweat.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I got back up on my feet and looked to find Christopher's dad in joggers and sweaty tanktop with a towel hung on his neck. He must've gone for a run.

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