Why are you still reading this crap?

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When Hanako, the character from the anime you didn't watch yet, said that he needed to make some preparations or some shit, I never imagined it to be more anime boys.

That was a lie. I know everything.

Our lineup for the rescue mission was Tanjiro from Demon Slayer, or Tangerine as I will refer to him, Black*Star from Soul Eater, the one character you didn't want who I will be referring to as Asshat, and Leorio.

God damn Leorio.

None of them noticed me yet, I was just watching from the sidelines. That was good, because I had a few questions for Hanako.

"How the fuck did you get all these guys here?" I ask.

"Plot convince."

"I'll ignore that very unsatisfactory answer and ask specifically how the hell you got Leorio."
I respond.

"The bitch just wanted some money," he said, "so that's what I gave him."

That, too, was an unsatisfactory answer, but I'm going to ignore that because I am the protagonist.

After giving my once-over for the anime lineup, I applaud Hanako for his good taste in anime and walk out to meet my team.

Leorio was hitting Asshat upside the head with his briefcase, screaming at him while Tangerine looked on in confusion.

"Hello, friends," I say, " I am currently the fucker in charge of your fucking fucks. We are on a mission to bring back my husband Nugget-toe, and If you do not obey me then I'll have Hanako throw you back into your far superior anime world. Are we clear? Good, let's go find them."

"Um, where are we going?" Tangerine asks, clearly intelligent enough to prepare for the mission beforehand.

"I don't fricking know."  I said. " we're on an anime adventure, who the hell knows where we're going?"

And with that, we were off. Asshat, Tangerine, God Damn Leorio, Hanako and I were off on our anime journey.

Who knew where the road would take us? Where would we find my husbands? What were they all planning?

I don't friggin know, I just make decisions without considering the consequences.

(Y/n) goes to Taco Bell at 3 am.Where stories live. Discover now