The next chapter-2

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They were here atlast. Omg! Y/n froze seeing all the twelve boys standing in front of her. She could cry but she didn't want to ruin her first impression!

Then Somi saying hi y/n realised she had to do the same so she said 'annyeonghaseyo' all of them smiled and said the same. Their smiles would have killed y/n with their brightness.

The room was soon filled with twelve tall boys. Y/n was happy for mamamoo not coming at that point of time. It would have been too much people in that small dorm.

All the members started talking with each other(with them). Y/n sat in one corner of the room gazing into the beauty of the 12 boys. It felt like a dream. She was surprised by a tap on the shoulder which soon made her resume back to reality.

Turning back she realised that it was hyun-suk. CHOI HYUN SUK! Y/n thought. He said a small 'hi' and sat beside her. Y/n was freaking out. But at the same time felt happy. It was getting awkward since he just came and sat there untill he asked ' so what's your name?'

Y/n gathered all of her courage and said 'Hello, my name is y/n'.

'I have got a nice name' he smiled. That smile could have killed her but she survived.

'Thank you'

'I heard you are a teume'

'oh, I see'

' There are quite alot of teumes out here'

'Yes there are. They all love you guys dearly.'

'Are there any reasons you want to get adopted by us? Wait, I am sorry do you really want to get adopted by us or do you have some other group?'

'Ani! I really want to get adopted by you guys. If you ask the reasons I have quite alot. Do you want to hear them?'

'Yeah! For sure'

Then y/n started 'If you want to know the reason then the main one is looking after the 12 of you. I have seen how much you guys work all day for us teumes and I want to give back the same care by getting adopted by you and caring fir you. I know there are many others who want to get adopted, I understand if they are much better than me.' y/n realised she was was bickering continuously and saw Hyun suk just listening, then she said 'i am sorry for just speaking like that'.

'oh! no it's fine' Jihoon said. Y/n alongwith hyun suk were surprised. He was listening to everything from the back. Uh oh! Y/n thought.

The time was up and they had to sadly leave.

'Even if I am not lucky enough to get adopted by treasure and stay forever in love house. This conversation I had I shall never forget'

Was this chapter badly written? I really do think i could do much better. Hope y'all understand. Anyway tell me where I went wrong. I will try to write a much better chapter.

Ok then lots of love and happiness
Jaismyne ❤️

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