chapter five

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A week later...

Ella's POV

Sunday. The day I have been dreading. I really hate Sundays. My moms have to go back to work tomorrow. I have really been enjoying the time with them. There have been some days when it's just us three. Other days when Alex is over. I'm going to miss it.

"Ella! Breakfast!"


I submitted my math assignment that was due at midnight and ran downstairs ready for the day.

"Where's Alex? Thought she was down here?"

"Her parents called her. Important talk."

"I'll check on her."

I sat at the counter and grabbed my food.


me: Everything ok?
alex: dont wanna text it. be over in 30.

I showed my moms the phone and they both nodded. It was serious. 

After breakfast, I worked on some SAT studying and worked out in my dance room while my moms also worked out. I then showered and Alex still wasn't over. I checked my phone and she said she was on her way. 

"Hey El! Can you come down here for a minute?"

I jumped off my bed and ran down to the kitchen to my moms dressed in formal wear.


"No no. Alex's parents want to meet with us, thought we'd dress up."


Just as I said that the front door opened and Alex ran inside, pulling me up to my room.

"HI EMILY! HI JJ! MY PARENTS ARE COMING NOW!" She screamed as we ran up the stairs.

"Alex. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"They wanted to take me away again. They have a six month mission in Spain and hey were going to put me with a safe family. I refused. Now we're here."

"My moms are going to say yes Alex. Don't worry. You aren't going anywhere. Now. Let's watch a movie and relax."

An hour later...

"Ella! Alex! Come down here please."

I looked over at Alex and we both sighed before getting up and crossing our pinkies. It was a good luck thing. 

When we got down, her parents were getting ready to leave. 

"We talked out the details. Instead of you going back and forth, Alex, we're moving you into the guest bedroom that we don't use anyways. This barely changes anything as you're here all the time anyways. But your parents are selling the house, so, moving time for the next three days." Mama said.

We both smiled and they said bye as they needed to start getting the house ready to sell and such. 

"Well that's a relief isn't it." Mom said as she sat on the couch and grabbed the remote.

"Last day off El. It's going to be ok. Now you have Alex. Who has a car. You still will be at he BAU while you do your summer class. She will still have her freedom. I know she's going to see her boyfriend. Which is fine. She hasn't screwed up yet. It's all good."

"I know Mama. I just missed you guys being around all the time and I guess I got used to it but it'll be ok."

"We're only a phone call away."

"I know."

"Now, let's watch this movie. And then around 5, we're going over to Hotch's for dinner. You can hang with Jack."


Jack Hotchner. We grew up together. He's honestly like the brother I never had. I rarely aw him these days. He was a soccer player. I danced. The bond was still there though.

At the Hotchner household...

We were sitting down to eat. My moms. Hotch. His girlfriend Beth. Jack. Me.

The adults talked about work. Jack and I talked about TV shows and school and annoying people at school. We talked about cars and being 16 and how I still couldn't drive. Talked about how we really kinda raise ourselves. 

After dinner, the adults stayed in the kitchen to talk and Jack and I went to his room. 

"Penny for your thoughts El."

"I'm ok. Just thinking about... summer school tomorrow."

"Really? Terrible liar Prentiss."

"And what about it Hotchner? You can't be profiling me. That's an asshole move."

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you before I tell Alex."

"Hmmm. So it's important. Secrets."

"No Jack. I'm fine."

"Is it about a boy?"

"Ew no."

"Hey. I caught that. It is a boy!"


"Oh shit. I got it."

"Keep quiet."

"Who is she?"

"Shut it Hotchner."

"Fine. After you tell Alex."

"Which I won't be telling her."

"Why? She's your best friend."

"I bug her too much with my lame problems. She deals with so much. It's the least I can do."

"Ella. Tell her. It's better sooner than later. Trust me."

Just as he said that my mom called me from the kitchen and said it was time to go. I said goodbye to everyone and we headed home.

When we got home, we began to unwind and get ready for tomorrow. Getting up at 6. Getting to the office. They will probably have a case. I will be in summer school. Get picked up by Alex. Go to dance. Come home. It's the normal routine. I just need to fall back into it.

"Goodnight Ella. Love you."

"Love you too mom. Goodnight mama!" I screamed because she was already in bed.

"Goodnight Ella!"

I sat on my bed and opened my laptop. I can't keep putting it off. One paragraph. That's all I have to write.

During middle school. I wondered a lot where I came from. I mean, my biological "parents" information was all over the internet. I could easily find their file at the BAU. They were serial killers. But I wondered if there was more. I know why they killed. I wanted to know why they spared me. I was only a distraction. I wondered if there were more of me. Did I have siblings? I wondered. I was always stuck in my head. It was going to get the best of me one of these days. I always asked my moms to learn more about my past. I finally got to the age where they realized I was mature enough to handle it or not dig deeper into it than I had to. I didn't in fact have siblings. Still don't know why they spared me. I guess I was "chosen" in a sort of way to be involved in the family of fighting crime instead of the family of crime. I never considered the birthgivers family. Family comes from a support system of people who you trust. The team. My moms. Alex. Jack. They were family. Doesn't always have to be blood. 

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