The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

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The girl with the dragon tattoo once told me,
That she got er' nipples pierced just for me.
She's the only one who'd ever hold me;
So I said,
"You're as fierce as the loo,
And as colourful as a flier.
You know it I see it too,
That you're a big, big liar.
"Go fake a smile you'll feel better."
I know smell all of your letters.
Is it because you want to feel victory?
Or is it because you want no real history?
Either way, girl, you're contradictory.
Contradictory to your happy vision
Contradictory to your lack of revision
Weren't you supposed to smile your way through it?
All the home runs, were they all useless hits?
Either way,
You're the obvious clue
To my buried desire.
You're a bird that flew
Straight into the fire.
Put my plastic ring on your finger;
Let my presence in your mind linger;
It's a strange situation,
But for us, there's room for fluctuation.
Whatever happens, happens
I just know that you—the girl with the dragon tattoo,
Are my foundation.

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