We're Getting There

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Yaoyorozu's POV

When Aoyama had gone up to his room, Yaoyorozu immediately started assigning responsibilities.

"Every good party needs music, so Jiro would mind creating a playlist for us?" Yaoyorozu looked the shorter girl in the eyes.

"Yeah of course! Consider it done." Said Jiro

"Great. So we're going to need food and drinks. Any ideas?"
There was a pause as everyone thought about it.

"We can get catering from that cool new restaurant." Mina offered.

Yaoyorozu thought about and agreed that that would be easiest, but she wasn't she it would be plausible.

"That would be a good idea, but I think it might be too late to get catering. Any one else?"

"Maybe we could just get some pizza and sodas then?" Suggested Sero.

"A valid solution. Though I feel or classmate might appreciate something more classy than pizza." Iida said then added "we will come back to that idea if we cannot think of anything else though. "

After a couple minutes of problem shooting, Todoroki spoke up.

"My sister is great cook. I could ask if she'd be willing to make the food for us."

The class gave mutterings of approval and Yaoyorozu believed that this course of action was the right one.

"Oh Todoroki that would be fantastic!" She said.

Todoroki rose from his seat and walked a little ways away to call his sister.

" While Todoroki works on that. Let's all discuss decorations. What's our theme?" Yaoyorozu knew that this would be the subject everyone was waiting for, but was not expecting such an outburst of excitement.
Everyone started shouting their ideas and arguing amongst each other.

Yaoyorozu could hear ideas ranging from explosions (we all know who suggested that theme) to masquerade to space to tea party.

Iida was able to regain everyone's attention with the megaphone from earlier. They spent a little while talking about the theme and didn't really get anywhere.

Todoroki had just come back so Yaoyorozu thought they could take a break from the theme.

"What did your sister say, Todoroki?"

"She's happy to help. She's enlisted my mother and brother and I to help as a family bonding exercise. "

"Great! Food and music are covered. And Mr. Aizawa is taking care of the venue." Yaoyorozu was just now realizing the sheer amount of work ahead of her.

"I guess we should get back to the topic of theme." Said Iida.
"We should, yes. " She was stumped, so Yaoyorozu let Iida lead.

"I suppose..." Iida trailed off.
The class waited for him to continue. "I suppose we don't really need a 'theme' per se. We know he likes things that twinkle so-"

"Omg stars! A star theme!" Kaminari shouted.

"Well I was just gonna say twinkly/ sparkly in general." Iida corrected.

"Twinkly/ sparkly" Yaoyorozu muttered. "Twinkly/ sparkly could work. It's something we know he likes and it's a simple set up."

"Okay. This is working we're getting there." Iida said. After about an hour of defining the details about the theme and general layout, Jiro spoke up.

"Hey guys, I just had this idea. What if, in addition to the playlist, the girls perform a song? As a kind of birthday gift"

"A song? What kind of song?" Yaoyorozu asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Well it's just a thought, but I thought it would be nice to have the class 1A girls perform." She paused when she saw the look of doubt forming on my face. "this wouldn't be like at the UA Cultural Festival. We would use a track for the instrumentals and I would sing. And all us girls would do a little dance number at the same time."

"I can choreograph something super simple and easy to learn!" Mina said, obviously on board with the idea.

"I don't think-" Yaoyorozu started, but was interrupted by Uraraka.

"We should do it! It'll be fun and Aoyama would love it!"

Yaoyorozu was in the middle of finding a way to say no when M*neta shouted.

"Oh Come on, who wouldn't love having dancing girls at their birthday party?"
Everyone chose to ignore him.

"I think we could do it, Momo." Tsu gave her a reassuring look.

"Okay let's do it! For Aoyama!"

"For Aoyama!" The class 1A girls cheered together.

"Mina, Jiro. Get together and choreograph something by tomorrow so we can start practicing."

"Yes, ma'am." They both said in unison.

"Okay the girls have a birthday gift on the way so the boys should figure one out too."

"No way I'm dancing." Said Bakugo.

"And you won't have to. Maybe you could all chip in for a gift."

The boys took a few minutes to talk about it, but when no solid plan came out Yaoyorozu decided to move on.

"Well hopefully you all come up with something by Saturday." She gave them all a warning glare, letting them know that they will have something figured out by Saturday.

"Okay so since the girls will likely be busy learning their routine to do much else, it will be up to us boys to set up the gym." Iida informed them. "Shouldn't be too hard. Tables and chairs can be provided by the school. The decorations though..."

"Oh! My parents love throwing parties so much that they have an two entire rooms full of party decorations. I'll pick out what we need and bring them for you boys." Said Yaoyorozu.

"Maybe we could ask Mr. Cementoss to come by gym gamma and make a stage for the girls" Midoryia pointed out.

"Yes, that is a great idea!" Commented Iida.

After a little more party planning, it was decided that Kaminari and Kirishima would make invitations that would be handed out around campus the day of the party to avoid the likelihood of Aoyama finding out about it. 

It was roughly midnight when Yaoyorozu dismissed everyone, confident that everyone knew their parts and would get them done.

Yaoyorozu walked to her room said goodnight to her floormates, got into bed and shut out the light.

"Aoyama, you have no idea what's coming for you."

Aoyama's bad dayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin