ハンター試験パート十七 | The Hunter Exam Part 17

Start from the beginning

"I don't...actually want to become a hunter. I just felt like taking the exam," Killua reveals.

"I see. Well that's a relief. In that case I have some advice for you. You're not cut out to be a hunter. You were born for one purpose. To be an assassin. You're a puppet of darkness, devoid of passion. There is nothing you desire, nor is there anything you wish for. As one who lives in the shadows, the only pleasure you're capable of is derived from causing death because that's how dad and I raised you. What do you imagine that you would accomplish by becoming a hunter?"

"It's true, I don't really want to be a hunter, but, everyone wants something, even me."

"You don't."

"Wrong! There is something that I really want!"

"Hmm, enlighten me. What is it that you really want?"

Killua freezes, looking down. He was at a loss for words.

"What's the matter? There isn't really anything is there?"

"There is!! I...want to run away with (Y/N). And I want to be friends with Gon. I...I'm just so sick of killing people. I want to be friends with Gon and (Y/N) and just have fun."

"Impossible. You are incapable of friendship. The only thing you can do is discern whether or not you can kill them. That is all you were ever taught. Gon is such a radiant personality that you don't know how to classify him. As for (Y/N), she's someone you couldn't kill even if you tried. You don't actually desire their friendship."


"If you stay with them, one day you'll end up wanting to kill them. You'll wonder if you can, and you'll want to find out. Because, you are, by nature, a murderer."

Leorio growls, stepping up. 

"We've warned you already sir so please-" A mana stops him.

"Yeah, I know! Killua! I couldn't care less if this guy's your brother alright?! He's a worthless piece of crap, so don't listen to him!! Just beat the crap out of him like usual and win! You wanna become friends with Gon and (Y/N), are you kidding me?! You're already friends, how do you not know that?! They seem to think so anyway!!" Leorio shouts. (Y/N) nods enthusiastically, her fists in front of her.

"Is that true?" Illumi asks.

"Hell yeah it's true you idiot!!"

"Oh no, that isn't good. So they already consider Kil a friend. Fine, then I'll just kill them both." 

Killua's eyes widen, as well as everyone else's.

"Assassins have no use for friends. They only get in the way. Where can I find Gon?"

"Please wait a second! The match is still-!" Illumi cuts off the man by tossing needles onto his face.

"Where?" Illumi repeats.

"He's in the waiting room...right over there...!"

"Thank you." As Illumi walks, (Y/N), Kurapika, Hanzo, and Leorio all stand in front of the door protectively. "Oh what a pain. I need to acquire a hunters license right now so I can do my job. But if I kill them, I'll fail and then Kil will pass automatically. Oh no, the same thing will happen if I kill Gon. Hm, wait, I'll pass the exam and then kill Gon! If I pass the exam first, I can kill everyone here and still keep my license, isn't that right?" Illumi asks, turning to Netero.

"Well, yes, according to the rulebook," he answers.

"Did you hear that, Kil? If you really want to save Gon and (Y/N), you're going to have to beat me. Will you fight me to save your friends? You can't do it, can you? Because deep down, you're more worried about whether you can defeat me than anything else, aren't you?"

Killua gasps as Illumi walks up to him.

"And you already know the answer. I'm not strong enough to beat my big brother. Remember the lesson I drilled into you? Never go up against a superior opponent."

Killua starts to take a step back out of fear, but Illumi stops him.

"Don't move. Move one more inch and I'll assume the fight has begun. The same goes for if our bodies come in contact with each other, the fight starts. There is only one way to stop me and you know it. But don't forget, if you decide that you won't fight me, your dear Gon and (Y/N) will certainly die.

"Take him out Killua!! We'll protect you!! He won't kill you, Gon, or (Y/N)!!" Leorio yells. "We'll do whatever we have to do to stop him! Go on, let him have it!!!"

"...You win Illumi. I admit defeat."

Illumi smiles, clapping his hands together. "Oh excellent. No need for us to fight then, huh." He pats Killua on the shoulder. "I lied, Kil. I was never going to kill Gon and (Y/N). That was only a test to see what you were made of. And now I know for certain." Illumi puts his hand on Killua's head, leaning in. "You are simply not qualified to make friends. Not that you need any. You'll keep doing what you've always done. The job dad and I trained you to do. I'll order you to take the hunter exam when the time is right. But not now."

Then, the sixth match between Leorio and Bodoro began. However, as soon as the match started, Killua killed Bodoro. He was then disqualified. (Y/N) was quick to try and stop him, but Killua only gave her a curt reply.

"I'm going home," was all he said before walking out the door. (Y/N) looks down sadly, upset that she wasn't able to stop her friend.

"C'mon (Y/N), let's go," Kurapika says, putting his hand on her shoulder.


double update 😼

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