"Okay but we need to talk to you tomorrow don't we Jake" She nudges him while he's on his phone laughing.

"Huh, what?" He looks up.

"I was just saying we are going to talk to Liv tomorrow about everything"

"Oh yeah so go play xbox or whatever" He says while pulling out his phone again.

Amys pov

When Jake came back from Terrys with Liv he began acting strange and distracted from what is going on around him. When Liv went upstairs we sat in the living room and Jake still seemed distracted there was clearly something on his mind.

I tap him on the shoulder making him jump out of his thoughts "Hey babe whats wrong?"

"Nothing why?" He twitched his nose. That meant he was lying.

"You're lying , you did that thing with your nose"

"Okay fine , today Liv said I was becoming boring and I don't know it just made me feel sad" He confessed.


"Because I've always been the 'fun dad' so it made me feel shitty I guess"

"You don't have to be fun all the time , you're an adult you can't be expected to joke around all the time"

"Yeah I guess you're right I think I just need t-"

"DAMN IT , YOU ARE SO BAD WE FAILED THE WHOLE HEIST" He's interrupted by Liv and then something dropping on the floor , I rush upstairs into her room.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" She asks while picking up her controller off the floor.

"I mean what are you doing shouting the house down at 10:30pm"

"I don't know I just got angry"

"Well turn it off and get ready for bed please , you have school tomorrow"

"Okay fine let me just finish this heist"

"Okay I'll be back in 15 minutes and hope to see it turned off"

"Yeah yeah whatever" She shrugged.

I walk over to Macs room and he's also on xbox with his friends until he sees me and puts his headset down "Whats up with her?"

"She lost on a heist or whatever that is"

"She's probably becoming sober again" He laughed.

"Hey thats not funny! get off that xbox now"

"Okay chill I get it don't joke about Liv being a drug addict and alcoholic"

"And don't mention it either"

"Okay fine"

He turns his xbox off , I leave the room and head downstairs to see Jake asleep on the couch. I leave him there , he has been so tired with Liv misbehaving and he deserved it a good sleep. I turned the tv off , kissed him on the forehead and went to bed.


I woke up at 6:30am from my alarm and heard Jake groan as he listened to it go on. I turn it off and get out of bed immediately but I couldn't say the same for Jake.

"Morning" I shake him.

"Yeah" He responds half asleep still.

"Get up we are gonna be late"

"5 minutes"

"Okay I'll be back in 5 minutes" I say while getting my uniform for work out.


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