Home Again...

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(Narrator's POV)

That night at the Diaz household was a fun one, especially with the news that Steven and Star were now a couple. Of course, Rafael and Angie were thrilled to hear the news. The moment it was revealed to them, Angie wrapped the two teens in a hug, tears of joy flowing out of her eyes.

"Ah! You two! I'm so happy for you! Star, you certainly know how to pick them! And Steven, you better be good to her! She's family to us." The woman said as Marco and Rafael both laughed at how embarrassed Steven and Star were before the elder Diaz spoke up.

"Well I don't think we have to worry about that, Angie. Steven seems like a good boy. He'll treat Star right." He said as Steven smiled as Star gave him a kiss on the cheek.

It was great. For the first time in weeks, he was truly happy. He had a new girlfriend, new friends and people who were supportive of him. As fleeting as it might be, he'd enjoy it for now.

Soon, it was time for bed. After one last kiss, Steven and Star went to their rooms for the night, both dreaming where their new love would take them.

*Later the next day....*

Steven was as quiet as a mouse during the ride back to Beach City. He knew who he'd see and what he would have to face once he arrived back there. How would everyone react? Especially since he made no effort to contact anyone?

Steven's thoughts are interpreted by a pair of lips on his cheek. Smiling, he looked at Star, who had a look of worry on her face.

"Nervous? We're almost there. You can do this, Steven. Like I said: We're all here with you. So don't worry, OK?" She said as Steven sighed.

"My ex girlfriend. I know I'll have to deal with her. What'll I do then?" He asked as Marco chuckled.

"Please. You think Star or Jackie are gonna let this Connie girl get to you? Star by herself would likely rip her apart." He replied as Star got an angered look on her face.

"And she better not tempt me either. After the way she broke Steven's heart for that Koda jerk, I'd like nothing more than to drive my fist in the face of that ho--" Star began to say.

"...Hold on there, Star. Now I get you kids being angry out of your concern for Steven. But you clearly see he's already apprehensive about heading back home. " Rafael said as Star sighed.

Knowing that Mr Diaz was right, Star knew she should try to be polite and not say anything at first, but it would be clear to those that know her that she's holding her tongue hard because she didn't want to risk starting a fight when Steven's already going to be so tense and nervous coming home.

But those that knew her were also well aware that if Connie did something to piss her off, then she'd tell Connie what she truly thinks of her and she likely would NOT be polite.

"Alright fine. I'll behave." Star said as the SUV pulled into Beach City. They had arrived. As nervous as Steven was, he had to admit it was good to be home again. Soon, they arrived at a house that was right across the street from Vidalia(luckily for Steven she wasn't home.).

"Ah our new home! Or rather a homecoming for you, Steven. I know you're nervous. But you have to remember where you came from, get what I mean? Now here's the plan: I got a text from my old friend to meet up. Angie and I will go while you kids unpack, OK?" Rafael said as Steven, Marco and Star nodded as Rafael got back in the SUV and drove off....


"He should be here right about..." Vidalia said as she and Greg waited at the Car Wash for the arrival of Rafael Diaz.  Soon...

*Honk Honk!*

"He's here!" Vidalia exclaimed as an SUV drove up and out walked Rafeal and Angie Diaz, the latter who found herself in a hug with Vidalia.

"Vidalia! Ah it's been years!" Angie exclaimed as she hugged a beaming Vidalia as Rafeal looked at Greg and chuckled.

"Good to see you, Rafael. What's so funny?" Greg asked as Rafael chuckled even more.

"I guess you still haven't taken a break from the porkchops and hotdogs, eh amigo?" He asked as Greg tried to laugh since he and Rafael were old college buddies.

"I'll let that slide. Things have changed for me, you know. My last name and the fact that I have a son." Greg explained as Rafael smiled and looked intrigued.

"Really? Details, old friend! What did you change your last name to? And where's your boy at?" He asked as Greg looked away.

"Well...I changed my last name from Demayo to Universe. And as for Steven...well...he's not here." Greg explained sadly
as a thought suddenly struck Angie.

"Wait. Did you say "Steven"? And did you say your last name was Universe?" She asked as Greg nodded.

"Yeah. My son's name is Steven Universe. Why?" Greg asked with slight hope in his voice. Had these two seen his son?

Rafael smiled as he put two and two together before looking at Angie, who came to the same conclusion.

"Angie? Call Marco for me." Rafael asked as Angie stepped away for a moment to call her son. Once she was out of listening range, she found Marco's number.

"Marco? How far are you kids with unpacking?" She asked.

*Almost done. Jackie came to help out, so it was faster with 4 of us. It also helps that Steven's really strong too. Why?*

"When you're done, you 3 bring Steven to the car wash nearby, understood?" She asked.

*Got it, Mom. We'll have Steven at the carwash soon.*

After she hung up, Marco looked and saw that he was overheard by Steven, who looked nervous.

"I'm guessing you know where this carwash is, right?" Marco asked as Steven sighed.

"Yeah. It's where my Dad works. And he's no doubt there. I can't do this alone." He replied as Star hugged him. As did Jackie.

"Who said anything about you doing this alone? Now let's go meet my future father in law." Star said with a laugh as Steven blushed while Marco and Jackie laughed as well as the 4 of them headed to the Carwash.

Steven's back home! See you next chapter!











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