Last Day in Echo Creek

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(Narrator's POV)

After arriving back in Echo Creek, Steven and Star met up with Marco and Jackie at the pier as the 4 of them enjoyed their last day in Echo Creek. Tomorrow they'd be leaving for Beach City and they all decided to just enjoy their last day in town on a nice double date.

Or, at least, it was a double date to Marco and Jackie since Steven and Star were adamant that they were "just friends". But anyone who looked at the two and how close they had become(and continued to become) knew better than to believe that.

Let them think what they want. That's what Steven thought. All that was on his mind was his inevitable return to Beach City tomorrow. Somehow he always knew he'd have to go back there. Even during his time here in Echo Creek, he knew that going back home was something he'd inevitably have to deal with.

He just didn't think it'd be THIS soon....

"Hmm? You OK, Steven?" Star asked as she, Marco and Jackie looked at the hybrid with concern.

"How did I know I would end up going back to Beach City?" Steven asked with a sigh as Star hugged him.

"Because life loves making you its punching bag, from what I can tell?" Marco said, earning a glare from Star and a punch in the arm from Jackie!

"Not the time, you idiot!" Jackie snapped.

"No. He's right. Seems like no matter what I do to try and move up and ahead in life, something always knocks me back down. That's the story of my life, I guess." Steven said sadly as Jackie looked at him.

"Steven. Let me ask you something: You've seen me on my skateboard, right? Well, do you think I've always ridden it without ever falling? Do you think that when I first began skateboarding, I was perfect from the word "Go"?" She asked as Steven shook his head.

"No. No one is perfect. You had to have fallen a few times before you got the hang of it." He replied.

"A few times? Try a bunch of times. I've had scrapes, broken bones, you name it. But you know what? After each time I fell, I got right back up and back on my board until I didn't care anymore about falling. That's how I got so good at it. My point is: You've fallen a lot. And you've fallen again. But now you've got to get back up again." Jackie said as Marco nodded.

"And you'll do that once we're in Beach City. And if you fall and get hurt? We'll all be right there for you to get you back up again." He said as Star smiled.

"You've got nothing to fear. We'll be with you the whole way, Steven." She said as she kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush and Jackie and Marco to chuckle.

"Oh? What happened to "Just Friends", Star?" Marco asked as Star fumed at the teen.

"Shut up, Marco! I--I don't know why I did that and--!" Star began to say until Steven kissed her on the cheek, causing her to blush.

"Star, it's OK. I...I don't mind, really." He said as Star looked at him.

"What? But...but I didn't think you felt the same way..." She replied as Steven smiled at her.

"I guess since I've been here and you've been right here for me, I...began to feel the way you're talking about." He replied as Star looked at him before placing both hands on his face.

"OK. Can we kiss?" She asked as Steven blushed and smiled.

"Uh..OK." He replied as he and Star kissed right then and there as Marco and Jackie looked on, smiles on both of their faces at the new couple.

"Hey Jackie. Sunset is in the perfect spot. How about we follow suit?" Marco said with a smirk as Jackie looked at him and chuckled.

"Not in the mood. Sorry." She replied as Marco looked stunned.

"Wha?!? Why?" He asked as Jackie smirked.

"I dunno. I guess life just loves making you its punching bag, eh Marco?" She replied as Marco crossed his arms and frowned.

The group soon headed back to the Diaz household as Marco, Star and Jackie prepared for their new lives in Beach City.

But for Steven? It would be a Homecoming that he was uneasy about, but wouldn't be alone for.

Stareven is A-go! And yes: The "OK, can we kiss?" line was from the episode where Starco became canon. Anyway, see ya next chapter!










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