08| what he wants

Start from the beginning


I placed the empty plastic cup that was once filled with noodles on my nightstand, as I nervously stare at the clock.

8:30 p.m.

Before I was confident about not going but now I was scared. Fear began rushing through my body rapidly by the time the clock hit eight. I constantly looked at the door of my dorm fearing that it would be kicked down suddenly off its hinges.

The strength I once possessed was now disintegrated and no longer could be found.

My heart beats increased as each minute passed by in a excruciating slow pace. As each time the clock ticked by the seconds, I felt trickles of sweat forming on my body. I sat on my bed and grabbed the remote for the television and turned on one of my favorite shows that I watched as a kid.
Even by watching the tiny cartoon figures on the screen jump around and move together in sync didn't make my fear diminish. It was only a few minutes later did I hear a knock on my door. I paused for a moment thinking it was my brain tricking me but when I heard the knock again I realized that it was real.

I didn't answer the door and instead choose to stay quiet hoping that whoever was outside that door would leave believing that I was not here.

"Miss Talin, I know you are in there. The television is on and I had heard you come in a while ago. Now, I advise you to open up this door before I get more anger than I already am. My anger is not something you should choose to mess with. Now, before I have to open this door with force I will advise you again to open it yourself."

Dang it!

I got up and went to the door with my feet thumping across the floor. Darius stopped knocking when hearing my gentle foot steps. My hand reached the door knob but I was unable to open the door. It was as if the fear had stopped my body from functioning. My hands shakes as I forcefully twist the door knob allowing it to unhitch with a click.

Darius enters the room not once looking at me and instead surveyed the room. He shifted his head looking over the messy room which contained of random clothings scattered across the floor and plastic containers on the bed. My face turned bright red feeling embarrassed when seeing the state of my room. Men were usually the slobs but in this situation I was the slob.

I looked upon him to see what he was thinking by his emotions but his face consisted of the blank state it always did.

He walked across and sat on the bed. His gaze finally falling on me but he said no words. We stared at each other for what felt like hours before he finally raised his hand and pointed at me to come over, just like he did at the cafe. I didn't move. 

"I-I wh-what are you doing here? I stammered as I took a few steps back increasing our distance between each other. The door was slightly opened which meant I could escape him if I wanted to. He tilts his head watching me move backwards. His eyes holding a terrifying glare that rooted me in the spot.

"I have to say Miss Talin, I am so angry right now. Your disobedience is quite rather a nuisance. It seems as if you can not follow even the simplest orders I give you." He got up and walked past me to close the door.

"You didn't think I would let you escape Miss Talin?" I felt his breath near my face as he stood in front of me. He grabbed a piece of my hair and twirled it around his finger.

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