Chapter 16 | Uncharted Territory

Comenzar desde el principio

"Fuck Bella what are you doing to me?" He muttered

What am I doing to you?

What am I doing to you?!

The real question you should be asking is WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!

You're here being all hot and HOT and you're asking me what I, Bella Evans am doing to you, Tyler need help if you think I'm doing anything to you.

He began to lean in closer and alarm bells were going off in my head telling me this was wrong...unfortunately, I couldn't remember why.

Just pull back

No, Bella, I said pullback not lean forward what the hell are you doing?!

Hey! Stop moving your hand up his arm!

Oi! Bella!


Gah! Fine kiss him!

See if I care!

His hot breath fanned my face, our noses touching, my hand slowly slid up his arm as he leaned in...

Bella! Stop! Omg!

My hand slid up his for the second time where I caught a glimpse of his tattoo.


That was the tattoo, just the simple name of a girl. My hand reached out to touch it and he jerked away.

I retracted my hand. "Sorry," I said and looked down.

Way to ruin a moment Bella. I mentally scolded myself.

"It's okay." He smiled.

"Hey Izzy, Daniel's here to see you...should I tell him you're...preoccupied?"

He must've sensed the tension.

I was gonna ask who Daniel is but luckily I remembered. "N-no I'm going." I rushed out of the music least now I remembered why it was wrong to kiss him...but damn is he hot.

"Hey!" Daniel said when he saw me walk in. He pried Bianca off of him "thank God you're here I swear that girl is like a leech."

She glared at me.

"Yea, unfortunately, she's desperate like that. What're you doing here?"

"Well, I figured since you were in detention you might want a little boost so I brought you a mocha frappe."

I smiled "Thanks, babe! You're so sweet!"

"When is detention over? I have some free time maybe we can hang at my place? Watch a movie have some popcorn...y'know Netflix and chill."


"She can't, we have to work on an assignment after detention," Tyler spoke up and I looked at him in confusion.

Daniel looked at me as if asking if it were true and I nodded "yea we do, sorry I forgot raincheck?"

"Of course, I'm gonna text you later!" He walked away pausing briefly to whisper something in Tyler's ear. They both exchanged subtle glares before he left.

Okay, something's up, I'm gonna find out what.

I walked up to Ali and Tess and simply mumbled "you're right about Tyler and me," before I walked away to go talk to the man himself.

Obviously, they squealed.


"Grr, you're so freaking annoying!"

"You aggravate me."

"All you do is talk, can't you ever shut the hell up?!"

"You're such an asshole I mean come on!"

"Me? The asshole? Have you met yourself?"

"Seriously were you born this way or did you practice to be this annoying?"

In case you couldn't tell, Tyler and I were at it again.

Neverending story.


Turn around

Look at what you see

In her face

The mirror of your dreams

Make-believe I'm everywhere

Given in the light

Written on the pages

Is the answer to a never-ending story



Okay sorry, I'm done.

Anyway, after Daniel left, I confronted Tyler about his obvious lie. We had already finished the assignment but he insisted we needed more practice on the oral part before walking away.

Another lie.

Tyler and I had practiced that part too many times but I chose to let it go.

Naturally, he had to PMS yet again which made me upset and here we were sitting in Dylan's car fighting for the millionth time.

"How is it that both of you almost kiss one moment then fight like you've been enemies all your lives the next?" Dylan inquired form the driver's seat

"I don't even know," Ethan said rubbing his temple, he sat in the passenger seat. "You guys' relationship is-"

"Special" Tyler and I said at the same time.

Tyler looked outside, he had a small smile on his face and so did I. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his glance at me, a smile still present on his face before turning back around to look out the window.

No one but us knew the truth behind our relationship. The more we fight the more we care.

Funny right?

I just wished I'd stopped myself from caring. Maybe then what was to come would've been easier to deal with.

Here it is!

Shorter chapter I know but there's a long chapter coming up soon so be ready for that!!

Are you team #Tylla or #Della? Comment which team!

Teenager post #008: The best way to tell someone you don't like them is to text them "370Hssv 0773H" and tell them to read it upside down.

I can totally see Bella and Tyler doing this lol

Hope you enjoyed it!!

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