Chapter 26

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After two months~~

Everything was going good, Taehyung released his mixtape which had seven songs. Everyone loved it. It was wholesome. It was calming, Soothing, healing, and like a best friend to many people. Taehyung has a really unique way of making songs he never failed to impress anyone. One of the songs called Snow flower was a huge hit. In fact, the whole album topped the charts for weeks. Seokjin and Hoseok's company were doing great too. Every celebrity wanted to have an interview with them because literally everyone never missed his broadcast. The magazines were bought in huge numbers. Even international shipments too. Sure the scandal has its bad side but it has its good side too. 

What fans wanted was an interview about Taehyung's mixtape with Seokjin and they are going to do it today. It will be a live broadcast. The views were huge in numbers. Everyone was going crazy over this. Seokjin was nervous more than the usual days. He does not why but his heart was beating so fast. Hoseok snickered beside him. He hit himself playfully 

"Don't laugh"

Seokjin rolled his eyes when Hoseok laughed more. 

"It's time to go Seokjin shi," Their staff said and he nodded. He took a deep breath before walking.

Seokjin did the opening perfectly but now it was time to call Taehyung. He was nervous again

"Now, we will welcome our main character of this interview who just released a mixtape which was a huge hit and broke many records. The one and only Kim Taehyung" Seokjin was proud to announce that.

Seokjin welcomes Taehyung with a huge smile on his face. Taehyung as always was looking so handsome. 

"Thank you so much for having me here Seokjin shi" Taehyung smirked lightly. Seokjin's ears were red.

"Please sit Taehyung shi" Seokjin gestured and Taehyung nodded

"We are pleased to have you here" Seokjin adjusted his glasses. He caught Taehyung licking his lips. 

'Hyung you always look so sexy in glasses' Seokjin recalled 

He started feeling hot, why that thought had to invade his mind. He looked at Taehyung who was sitting peacefully. 

"Why you put seven songs in your mixtape? Is there a reason?" Seokjin smiled, he knew there was Taehyung told them. He wanted the world to know about it.

"One for myself and one for my partner and the other five for my friends," Taehyung said happily "They are special to me more than anything. They did everything for him emotionally and physically. They gave me wings to fly"

Seokjin looked at him proudly

"That's very beautiful Taehyung shi" 

"Thank you Jinnie hyung" Taehyung winked. Oh, Taehyung will kill him today. 

Seokjin asked many questions related to his mixtape. Taehyung flirted in between. It was so pretty. 

"We have some fun questions from your fans. Would you like to answer them?" Seokjin asked 

"Of course, I would love to" Taehyung smiled widely.

4 O'ClockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora