Ruwei / Ren Wu x Adult Sibling Reader

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This will take place a few days after the Solo Tournament of the World League. As you can see by the title, you are Ruwei's adult sibling in this one shot. You were also the one who created his bey, Shelter Regulus. Onto the one shot!

(The slanted italics are thoughts/POV's)

⚠️ WARNING ANGST ⚠️ (You can play the music on top to put you in the mood)

3rd person POV 

Ruwei was quietly sulking on his bed, thinking about what had happened during the World League.

He had lost all his matches, as if he was the weakest blader in the tournament. He had lost to Free, Lui, Xander, Silas, and even Joshua! 

Yet, that was not the thing on his mind. In fact, he had something in his mind much more different.

He was think about the opinion of what a certain person would think of him.

That exact person who had supported him from the beginning. 

The person who had helped him and gave him advice whenever he was struggling. 

The one who taught him Bōjutsu and how to predict his opponents moves in a battle. 

The person who had made his beyblade, Shelter Regulus, just for him.

And that was his elder sibling.

(Y/N) Sun.

(Y/N) was the one who supported him every single day. She/He had cherished him and his passion for blading ever since the day it developed. (Y/N) made his beyblade out of pure love and care, knowing that he would accomplish so many things with Regulus. 

When he was seven years old, your father had a divorce with your mom, who eventually died due to a disease. Despite that, you still kept on going, helping and supporting Ren Wu no matter what. You payed for his school tuition, taught him Bōjutsu, guided him on how to predict his opponent's moves based off the angle of their launcher, and so much more.

You were basically the person who taught him almost all of the things he knows today.

But now...

He felt like all his hard work went down the drain. He was worried about what you would think of him now that he lost his place in the Big Five. You had done so much for him ever since he was  a child, not to mention you started taking care of him at the age of 19. You were more of a parent than a sibling in his eyes.

What was going on inside his head....

Ruwei's POV

I lost all my battles during the Solo Tournament of the World League. Now my rank is dropped to #12 across the whole world. But I'm not worried the slightest about that. In fact, it's more like the least of my problems. 

I'm more focused on something else at the moment.

It's about my elder sibling, (Y/N).

She/He has been supporting me all my life ever since I was a child. They worked every single day just to pay my tuition for school, even though they were only 19 at the time. She even made a beyblade just for me! She/He would always spend their free time teaching me Bōjutsu or how to predict my opponents moves. I basically took up all the free time they had.

(Y/N) would shower me with all the love and affection they had whenever they could, even though it embarrasses me every now and then... 

They really make me feel loved and appreciated in this world!

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