When they find out you're being bullied ~Pt. 4~

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🥦 Silas Karlisle 🥦


- When Silas is angry, YOU KNOW STUFF'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN.

- He has to contain his swearing because you're only 7 years old

- Once Ange fixes you up, Silas let's you play with Kitt and Honey to cheer you up 

- The entire BC Sol has to hold him back from burning the bully to crisps with a flame thrower 

( Don't ask where he got the flame thrower, idk myself- )

🦌 Free De La Hoya 🦌

- "Hey Ange, can I borrow a knife of some sort?" 

- He may seem like he doesn't care, BUT OH BOY IS HE GONNA BE HIDING A BODY TODAY.

- His eyes are glowing like crazy, enough to even scare Lui

( You know, the yellow glowing thing his eyes do when he's mad or he's battling at full power?)

-  He lets you play in a field with the deer, he might even let you put flowers in his hair

- While your doing that, he's emitting a scary aura that's enough to scare people within a five mile radius while looking for the bully who hurt you

- I mean, bruh, he won against a tiger in a stare down- What do you expect?

🧡 Kitt Lopez 🧡

 ( For this one, you are his twin because if you were younger than him, you would probably be 3 years old or something and whom the flip would harm a three year old? )

- "Mom, Y/N got hurt, what do I do?!"

- This sweet little bean is panicking about how beat up you are

- Your mom, Ange, patches up your wounds, because unfortunately, Kitt doesn't know how to 

- Once that's over, you, Kitt, and Honey have a few bey battles to lighten the mood 

- You tell Ange what happened, which Ange deals with responsibly 

( The only one who doesn't go overboard 😅 )

🍯 Shasa Guten and Honey Guten 🍯

- "Honey, go get the Med Kit!"

- Shasa and Honey are trying their best to make you feel better

- They are the best siblings in the world like omg-

- After they patched up all your wounds, Shasa let you play with Valt and Cuza

- Shasa may or may not be hunting down the person who hurt you 

🦜 Cuza Ackermann 🦜

- "Karl, time to hunt someone down from the sky."

- Karl is ready to peck someone eyes out. He likes you a lot! After all, you are his owner's sibling 

- Christina helps patch up your wounds

- After that commotion, he does a little performance to cheer you up. He might even teach you how to back flip!

- Turns out, while he teaching you how to backflip, Karl was looking for the person who hurt you from the sky


Okay, my hands are starting to hurt-


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