Not sure

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Melody sobbed as she tried to get out of the forest to get rid of terrible pain in her heart. Everything in her body felt hurt. She kept calling herself stupid for even having feelings for that jerk. Wiping her tears and snots to try to calm down, she felt everything shatter. She bumped into someone's chest as she bolted forward. Melody looked to see Jim, covered head to tow in glittering snow.

"Not a word, Mel. I don't want to hear about it... But you gotta admit it was funny how Sam got all that glitter on her." He chuckled, only stopping when he saw her red puffy eyes and cheeks. "Hey what's wrong?" Melody tried to play it off. Not wanting to worry her friends.

"N-Nothing. I got a bit lost since... You know you and Sam always-." Jim paused her, looking over her wrist.

"What happened here?" He ran his gloves over the red and white markings, and she pulled it away.

"Nothing, it's fine..." Jim knew she was lying. She was never any good at it. He began wrapping his scarf over the damage.

"Well, it's gonna look nasty if you don't do something. Jane has-." Melody hugged him with all the strength she could muster.

"Please don't tell the others! I don't want them to get in any trouble!" Having her tears risen again not even if she is mad at Hercules, she still doesn't want to see him get hurt. Jim's eyes softened at her state, hugging her to calm her could hear her broken sobs rubbing her back.

"Okay okay I won't tell anyone... But you need to tell me what happened." He felt her head throbbing as she sobbed. Jim listened to her, wiping away her tears. Melody explained through broken and hiccups of breath.

"You're not going to hang out with them anymore, right?" he asked her. Melody nodded and sneezed. Jim pulled her close to warm her with his body heat. "Come on, let's head inside. I'm sure Jane's mom will be fine if we head over there for a little." Melody agreed with him.

When everyone finally found each other, they agreed Melody was better off inside a warm house. Mrs. Darling was happy to let her daughters friends stay, and tend to Melody's wrist in private. Jim didn't want to leave her side, though.

"How did you get this? Were you just playing too rough? " she asked her as she started applying ice to the area. Melody hesitated, nervous about lying to an adult. Jim butted in, already having a story prepared

"She got her hand stuck in a tree hole. She wanted to grab an acorn or something," He shrugged. "I had to yank her out pretty hard."

"I should yank his shoulder out of place. At least she didn't dislocate her wrist or something." Sam grumbled, and Jane nudged her.

"You need to stop joking like that or else people will take you seriously" She puts her boots by the fire to dry.

"Luckily it's only a bruise. Had you pulled any harder and she could have a dislocated wrist." Wendy finished bandaging Melody's wrist, ice still atop it. The 12-year-old bit her lip, relieved that she was okay. Jim knew she was more damaged emotionally though.

"I'm glad it's not bad. Thank you Missus Darling." Melody smiled.

"Try not to get stuck in anything else. You know your father only has the heart for so much." Mrs. Darling sounded like Melody's own mother. Melody nodded and smiled bright.

"We're gonna die though," Peter whispered to Jim. Jim rolled his eyes, wondering who Melody could have been talking about.

The whole of them were at the fireplace even Jane's little brother joined in, pestering them. Most of them were taking a nap, filled with warm drinks and zapped of energy. Jim and Melody were sitting close to the open fire, hands grasping half-drunk apple cider.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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