The Blind Blocker

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He brought his bag up to his desk and searched it for the case that holds his glasses whenever not in use. Nothing. Nothing, but the cloth that cleaned what he searched for.

Tsukishima buried his face into his hands. "Well, I'm going to die today."

Yamaguchi tensed up. "Don't die on me, Tsukki! I'll help you with class today and other things you can't read."

The school bell rang, signaling the start of the day for the students of  Karasuno.

It's going to be a long day.


His first period is Math, the reason why he's in this mess in the first place. 

I'm going to ace this test. You may have taken away my glasses, Math, but you can never take away my intelligence... oh shoot, I'm turning into Hinata. It's deteriorating my brain.

The teacher handed out the test papers to the whole class, grabbed a small timer and started it. "You may now begin the test. Good luck."

Tsukishima managed to fly by the questions with ease, though he had to stop once in a while and stick his face into the paper, since he kept confusing different numbers that look similar to each other. Doing this however, got the attention of his teacher and some classmates.

"Tsukishima, are you alright or do you just like the smell of the paper?" asked the teacher.

Some quiet giggling was heard among the other students in the room.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just forgot my glasses at home today, and I want to make sure I don't confuse any numbers on the test. Just don't mind me."

"Ok then." He glanced at some of the students looking at the middle blocker. "What are you guys doing? Keep your eyes on your own papers, or else I'll mark you for cheating."

The rest of the test time was filled with quiet within the room, except the sound of pencils writing on paper. Tsukishima finished at least twenty whole minutes before the end of the test. He used these twenty minutes to get some extra rest for the day. 

Twenty minutes later, a loud sound of an alarm clock woke him up. It was the timer the teacher had put up. Everyone passed their papers, and it's time to continue the rest of their day.

After their next few periods, it was the beginning of their lunch break. Walking down to get to the cafeteria was difficult for both Yamaguchi and his friend. The taller of the two didn't need assistance for the most part on their way to the cafeteria... for the most part. 

Their destination was only down the hall. The problem was that hall had been recently mopped, and is currently wet and slippery. Everyone walking by knew this and took extra caution, because there was a sign that said so near the middle of the hall. As stated earlier, Tsukishima can see big figures just fine. His problems are small details. He didn't see the sign, as it was just a yellow blob, and the words written on it aren't even readable to him anymore.

Yamaguchi noticed that his friend didn't stop walking at the same pace they had been walking at earlier. 

"Tsukki, wait!"

But it was too late. Just as he finished his sentence, Tsukishima's foot took another step and it slipped, causing the rest of his body to fall with the loss of friction.

Yamaguchi was quick enough to react, and managed to grab the blind blocker by his hand. Big mistake on his part.

Tsukishima's weight was too much to be supported by Yamaguchi in such a short span of time. The pinch server tried to regain balance, but failed. Luckily, Tsukishima caught sight of this and tightened his grip on his friend's hand and pulled him enough, so he can regain somewhat of his balance. Unluckily, doing this caused Tsukishima to lose his balance. He started slipping again when Yamaguchi suddenly did the same thing to save his friend. 

Haikyū!! Hijinks!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat