Number Switch

17 0 0

Summary: Ukai helps the boys let off some stress before the preliminaries with a fun volleyball match, though there is a small catch.


It's the Karasuno volleyball team's last practice before they enter the Spring High Preliminaries. No going back. The decision of the third-years to stay is final, and if they want to go to nationals. They'll have to win the finals. They may have improved over the past few months, but will it be enough? The other teams have surely improved as well. They also wanted to get back at Aoba Johsai for crushing them during the Interhigh tournament. So many thoughts running through their heads.

I can't let them be so stressed before the preliminaries, thought Ukai. We need some good team bonding.

He noticed Kinoshita and Narita stretching with the others in the corner and he suddenly got an idea. It involved with a little something they both did during their match agains Date Tech and Seijoh. Once the team finished their stretches, they approached their coach to see what drills they will have for the day.

"Alright guys, today we'll be taking it easy with a 6-on-6 match until 20 points only. I don't want to stress you guys out," Ukai started separating the teams on a white board, "so here are the teams. Daichi, Kinoshita, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Asahi, and Hinata on one team. And Sugawara, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, and Narita on the other. Any questions?"

Raising his hand, Nishinoya asked, "but sir what will happen if I get rotated to the front? There's no one I can switch with."

"Just switch with someone in the back. Any other questions?"

Everyone else stayed silent.

"Ok then, grab the boxes with the practice jerseys inside and before putting them on I want all of you to come back here again with the boxes."

Though the team was confused to what their coach wanted, they complied with his orders and went to get the boxes. Meanwhile, Kiyoko and Yachi asked what he was planning.

"You'll see," was all the coach replied with.

The team came back carrying two separate boxes: one contained yellow ones and the other had turquoise jerseys. Ukai searched the boxes and gave each member a jersey.

"Sir, you gave none of us the right jersey," Daichi said.

"Exactly. Now we are going to have one set and the whole time, all of you will be wearing different numbers. And! You can only refer to each other with the number you currently have," Ukai said.


(This isn't part of the fic. Here's the list of the current numbers they have, so you can keep track:)

Turquoise: Daichi- 6, Kinoshita- 8, Kageyama- 11, Tsukishima- 9, Asahi- 5, Hinata- 2

 Yellow: Sugawara- 10, Tanaka- 3, Nishinoya- 12, Yamaguchi- 4, Ennoshita- 1, Narita- 7————————————————————————————————————

"Well this is going to be... chaotic," Sugawara said.

"But hey! It'll be fun! Either way, our team is going to win! Ain't that right bro?" asked Tanaka while raising his hand for a high five.

"That's right bro!" replied Nishinoya and proceeded to slap Tanaka's hand with all his might, earning a wince from the wing spiker.

While weaving his way through the chaotic second-years Kageyama asked, "Sir, where did you even get this idea?"

Haikyū!! Hijinks!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora