Aahhh!! Get off my mind you jerk. Yes, he is continuously taking place in my mind but I have to resist him. He had trusted me as a friend and I can't ruin it. We are friends O.K.A.Y.??!!!

"hey! Let's go and hit the dance floor!! " Nat propose and I accepted.
We both get up and made our way to the dance floor. Nat started swaying on the beat and me was still deciding whether I should go or not.
Suddenly, a waiter appear out of nowhere.

"mam drinks!! "

"no thanks!! "

Now, my temper gave up and I turn to him "I said...!! " before I proceed further, he raises the tray up which he was handling, there was a glass carrying a chit inside it. He actions me to take it. It was strange, it was definitely not a prank played by Sid, it was something else.
Silently, I took that chit and he left and I open it.

"little R!!"  my insides were clenched, I was shivering

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"little R!!"  my insides were clenched, I was shivering. Why is he here?? What does he want now??

Before, I estimate further, my shoulder was tapped and I move that direction but no one was there.

Suddenly, I felt a slight touch on my right wrist and I turn and saw a guy suited up in black formal with a patch of 'R' on it.
He action me to follow him with his hand and start moving, all the time his back was facing me. I didn't saw his face and start following him. I pass through the sweat bodies on dance floor and got collide three or four times Bcs my gaze was fixed on that man.

He actions me to follow him with his hand and start moving, all the time his back was facing me. I didn't saw his face and start following him. I pass through the sweat bodies on dance floor and got collide three or four times Bcs my gaze was fixed on that man.
Somewhere, I know what's happening Bcs it's only a month left for that day and only one person can come on this time to me.

I followed him till we came outside the hall and bit far from it. Finally, he turns and bowed his head down in gesture.

"Luke!!! " I called out his name, I got the hint of him in hall but still I want to be sure.
"master R is waiting for you there..!! " he showed me the SUV parked on the opposite of the garden. "inside the car!! " he completed and I nodded.
I pass by him and start moving towards the car with behind him following me.


"where is that miss genius!! ??" I asked Natasha who was sitting beside me on the bar counter.

"the same question I was going to ask!! " she sarcastically said.

I let out a heavy sigh "you shouldn't have done this Natasha, you told everything to her. In short you spoil my remaining image in front of her, you girls, all are same you can't keep anything to yourself!! " I snapped.

"since when you started caring about your image in front of girls!! " he simply said.

"Natasha!!!" I cut off by her.

"call me Nat!! "

"what??? Who gave you this name!! " I asked.

"your roommate!!! "

"nice!! So, Nat, Sana is not like others, she is my friend and I do care about my image especially in front of her, she rarely believe me and now you spoiled everything!!! " I pissed off.

"chill man!!! "

"what?? Chill, you really think I should chill!! " I used bit louder.

"look!! She wasn't looking disappointed or something of that sort despite, she looks relieved like she has no doubts left, I mean... It's sorted!! " she covers up.

"I don't believe you!! "

"then don't believe, you really think I care!! " she trailed off.

"okay fine but where the hell she is??? " I pissed off asked.

"how do I know!! " she said and left me there alone.

She is drunk that's the reason of her this behaviour. But still where is my miss genius, I haven't seen her since I left that sitting area. Did she got hurt by my behaviour?? Of course, she can be, I call myself her friend but my antics doesn't say the same, I totally ignored her since we came here. I felt guilty, probably, she was wrong but at least I can act like mature friend and after all the rule of friendship is 'no ego policy' but damn that, guy inside me isn't allowing me to throw that ego in trash and find her and apologize.
Someone bought me back from my thoughts by tapping my shoulder, I immediately turn and find my miss genius. She seems bit disturbed and pissed off her clenched jaw was describing her anger and her burning eyes to could explain the rest, don't tell me she got involved in a fight with someone, her hairs were a mess, like someone shuffle them.

"sanaaa....!! "

"you were supposed to give me the dare today, right!!! " she spoke up in her stern voice.

Yeah! I totally forgot about 'dare' the game but still I had already thought about that but I don't think it's a right time for her to perform a dare.
"it's okay sana, we can play it later!! " I rest my hand on her shoulder.
She rolled her eyes and took a seat beside me.

"are you scared my BESTIE!!" she emphasised the word but her tone was challenging.

"you know I ain't scared of anyone!! " I said.
"so, give me!! "

I have to give her a dare Bcs she has turned into a category of stubborn kid, if I didn't give, she's not going to leave this topic and will continue with her stubbornness.

I take a heavy sigh "okay, I dare you to drink a number of shots you can, drink if you can but the thing I know you can't " I dare her which I thought earlier.

"I will come in a ten minutes, and will see that how many shots you drank!! "

"how many you can drink in ten minutes??? " her tone is full of attitude.

"maybe or nearby twenty!!! " I replied

"okay!! "

" bye!! "

I left her alone for some time but why she asked me that how many I can drink... I shrug off my shoulders and mend my way.






I'm really really sorry coz I wasn't able to update soon as promised but believe  me ppl I'm really stressed about something and trying to make it happen as soon as possible..



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