Stone world

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A/n i rewrote this page to go along with the first so now it is caught up  and a new chapter will come out tomorrow on 2/8/2021

[CREEEK] [CRACK] [CRAAACK]  Woah seems i have been unpetrified and sent to dr stone like the godlike dude said I would. okay hmm what should i do. hmm "game system" [note: senku is directly in front of where you unpetrified just go for about a mile.] 

okay that is useful information so i just go this way after i cover myself with vines i dont really want him seeing my dick. 


UGHH so tired walking a mile takes forever but i see ishigami village and senku is right there im going to go ask whats going on even though i know what is going on. "finally civilization hi do you know whats going on." "hi im senku and what do you mean" "im gel and everything dissapeared i was just at home playing video games and then i saw this green light and woke up about a mile that way" i point behind me "Was there anyone around you when you woke up!" he tightly grabs onto me "no why whould there be" I know why of course but "okay tsukasa didnt wake you up or he did and then walked away for some reason" "wait you mean the strong guy on tv"  "yeah i woke him up with the depetrify fluid and now he is crushing grown ups statues to kill them because he thinks their hearts are tainted and we are in a war with him right now" i look him up and down for dramatic effect "you, fight tsukasa umm no offence but you look like a twig how are you gonna fight a dude with super human like strength also  WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BUILDINGS AND THE POLICE AND STUFF"  "well im gonna use weapons of science and defeat him and his army also well its been about 3,700 years so the police and buildings have all rotted away well the police are still here but they are stone." "ummm okay then." "Wait really i thought you woulda been scared and ran away" "umm ran away to where if what your saying is true this is reality now" "well that's true enough" "hey senku Wanna be friends" "sure i guess" "well then as a friend can you get rid of that shed." I'm gonna pull the time capsule out now and then act like i put it here "umm Why that is my other friends house and a place we store minerals and ores"  "well i put a time capsule here a couple days before the petrification with some tech so people in the future can see th super oldness of our tech and how stupid we were but now i think its gonna be opposite and we are gonna need it" "wait you have tech inside a time capsule down there" "yeah i think this is where it is" " okay whelp we can dig under it and see but we dont move the shed until we are certain it is down there"  "okay i can agree with that" so we dig and about 5 minutes later we hit this bronze square "this is it we need to open this up"  "okay we can do that just wait a little bit what kind of stuff is inside well a tv some disks a computer some phones and things like that" "PHONES!"  "yeah" "okay lets open this thing" "KOHAKU GET OVER HERE!" senku screams really loudly  "im here what do you need senku"   "i need you to open this like the time capsule so nothing inside is broken this is my friend gel and he put technology from our age inside" "okay" 

_________ONE HOUR LATER_______________

"YES its finally open senku" there are computers and like 50 phones and some tv's and some dvd players and discs of all different kinds of movies and anime and cartoons and everything and some mp4 players and a whole bunch of electronic things like vacum tubes hard drives light bulbs a solar generator and best of all to them some handguns "WOOHOO" they all shout really loud sometimes. welp time for my fun computer OPEN [duh duh duh duh windows] hey wattpad works and i can buy things from amazon like soap and food and dvds and older electronics and stuff and have it delivered to this world for shop points wich each eaqual 1 USD and i can get them by doing online jobs and stuff like virtual things and quests wich are very rare and you get very low amounts of shop points per job like 1 point per day of working virtual well it is what it is and stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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