I have been hit by Truck-kun

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a/n i am editing this because the story isnt exactly how i want it to go anymore so im editing the timline and his wishes

My day started off just like any other day, I woke up and went through my morning routine (watch anime and then a normal routine  of cleanliness and breakfast)  and then went to school. Then when I left the school I decided that today was the day I would confess to my crush Laura. "Hey Laura how are you doing today" I asked "I was doing okay until you decided to follow me." I then saw a truck barreling down the street right towards her. "Hey watch out LAURA!" She isn't gonna get out of the way in time i have to save her! "AGGH" i think i got her out of the way but all i can hear is a weird [beeeep] sound that isn't stopping and all i can see is white light. 
I don't know how long its been I think its a long time but I seem to be floating in nothingness I believe this is what they call a void all I can see is myself. "Hello there gel" "Who's there. WAIT how the Forking cheeseburgers do you know my name!" I yelled "why I am the multiverse of course." "the whativerse?" I asked "the multiverse ugh you don't know what that is do you you idiot" "Hey don't blame me just tell me what it is." I replied "alright you know what the universe is right" "yeah of course I do who doesn't" I said "well I thought you wouldn't because your stupid. Well the multiverse is an infinite collection of universes in which most are very similar to yours and they exist in the same space because they all vibrate at a different frequency" " wait so your telling me that you are a whole bunch of universes" I replied shook to my core "well technically I am the consciousness of the Multiverse but yes" "Umm okay I am just gonna act like you didn't just say some earth shattering news and ask What do you want me for?" I replied still completely shook "I am bored so I decided to take one random human from the center universe (which for an idiot like you is the original universe with links into other universes like books and movies and anime and manga) and transfer  you into another universe for entertainment." "wait let me get this straight you want me to go into some sort of anime universe with no protection or skills and whatnot" I replied "what no no no no you would die easily so I am giving exactly 3 wishes for your time in the other universe and no wishing for more wishes either that has happened too many times." "hmm well what kinda universe am I going into" I asked " you are going into the universe of doctor stone and since you have watched the first couple episodes you know what to expect." "Alright Wish number 1: i want a Gamer system with all the normal stuff including a party system plus a computer window in which would have virtual Windows computer that has speedy internet even in the stone world with infinite storage space and the best specs possible in my world." i stated "well its possible and its in the rules so okay but because the gamer system has an addon the third wish has to be somewhat small" "My second wish is to have some tech like actual smartphones and dvds with like a whole bunch of anime and movies on them along with like a tv and dvd player and just some basic entertainment modern tech like a very basic computer  in a storage capsule like the glass disc's capsule that will not be broken and i can grab it when i wake up like just under chromes shed." I said "well okay last wish". "My last wish is to wake up in the timeline of the stone wars around the time they finish making the weird old phone near senku and away from tsukasa." I stated "Okay good Bye and good luck Traveler" [beep bling crash]

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