• 22 • memories, makeups, and mirrors

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He realized his mistake and corrected himself, "You're safe with me."

"I thought I lost you." Anne looked at her lap.

"Try as hard as you want," Gilbert smiled, "you can't get rid of me."

For the first time that night, Anne really looked at Gilbert. He seemed dressed up and like he spent time grooming himself. She realized she had interrupted his Christmas Eve dinner and he dropped everything to help her.

Anne cautiously met his eyes, "I pulled you away from your dinner, didn't I?"

"No, no, it's all right." Gilbert was secretly happy to get away. Especially for Anne. "We were done anyway."

"But you had a guest?" She remembered hearing a lovely woman's voice. A voice that flirted with Gilbert.

His heart sunk a little. This was not how he wanted Anne and Winifred to meet, "She'll be fine. She's understanding."

Anne nodded and looked away. She didn't want to think about how lovely Winnie must be. She was invited to a holiday dinner, so she must be special. Gilbert didn't just dress up for Bash and Mary.

But he also immediately left her when Anne came in needing help.

Gilbert didn't want to talk about Winifred. Not with the girl he was still in love with.

But he did want to talk about everything else, "I'm sorry, Anne."

She shook her head, "It's not your fault."

"No," He took her other hand, "I'm sorry for just leaving and being so mean to you. I didn't even let you talk to me."

Anne gave him a small smile, "To be fair, I didn't let you talk to me either. I'm sorry for running off like that."

I'm sorry I didn't kiss you again.

Even though he was dressed up, Gilbert still managed to flash her a boyish smile, "Water under the bridge?"

"Water under the bridge."

Gilbert took a moment to really look at Anne. Among her bruises were little scratches where branches must have nicked her. There were rips in her dress and spots of dirt around them.

"I'm sorry, I should have offered you the opportunity to wash up and change." Gilbert brushed a leaf off of her shoulder, "You look a little damaged from the fall."

Anne suddenly felt extremely self-conscious, "Uh, yeah sorry, I didn't mean to get dirt all over your house."

He panicked, "No, that's not what I meant," he scratched the back of his neck, "I just want you to be as comfortable as possible."

They finally locked eyes.

"Thank you, Gilbert."

"Thank you for feeling safe to come to me."

Neither of them looked away from each other until the parlor door opened behind them. They let go of each other's hands and looked over to realize Mary was standing in the doorway with a sly smile.

"Anne, I thought I'd bring you a nightgown," she walked over and put a neatly-folded, white garment in Anne's hands.

"You don't have to do that, I'll just walk back to Green Gables." Anne didn't flinch.

Mary rolled her eyes, "You're funny. We're not letting you walk back in the dark, let alone in this cold. Bash said he'd stop by and tell Marilla you're safe. You're staying. Gilbert can give up his room for the night, right Gilly?"

"Don't call me Gilly." Gilbert countered, pretending to be angry, "And of course she can stay in my room."

Anne was flushed red. She wasn't a stranger to Gilbert's bed and she had a feeling what happened last time would happen again.

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