Chapter 21

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I'm back.
It's been a hell of a ride and a few years later but hey, at over a h u n d r e d t h o u s a n d reads I feel like I owe it to y'all. (Don't expect nothing regular tho not yet anyhow) Hur Hur

Livi PoV

You see things in passing with a lot more clarity when you stop to be quiet and actually listen. I know a lotta kids who won't open their ear holes (ack ack Eren) but when you grow up on the rough side of town you know to ask questions later.

So when the first news of Titans in the walls hit, you better believe I was lost for words.

Breathless in Levi's office I leaned over his desk heaving, hair falling in a halo around me. "You're telling me," he stared, swirling the last bit of whiskey in his tea cup around. "That there are confirmed sightings of Titans in the walls. Inside- in the walls?" The failed capture of Annie leonheart left the scouting corps at a loss, and the discovery after the fight even more so. While I had shown up late to the party, I had been given the opportunity at a glance at the Titan before it was covered with large tarps and textiles.

In the moment, my half brother and I had eyed each other with unspoken works of disbeleive, yet the honest emotion free of surprise. What more could go wrong in a world where everything was even worse than a worse case scenario?

"Well yeah, you sound like that doesn't make sense at all." I muttered sarcastically. He sighed, and I dropped to the floor. After a beat I asked, "what do we do now?" Levi rubbed his forhead and I could hear the headache in his voice.

"We leave that up to eyebrows."


Unfortunately, leaving things up to eyebrows was harder said than done sometimes, as apparently he was too busy brushing out his three bushy mustaches, (not including the one in his pants.) "For now the scouts will follow the orders of Mike Zachury, and be stationed in various points in Wall Rose," he wrote in a short letter to Levi and Hange, which Eren shortly burned over a candle in the empty mess hall after we read it.

"Look Eren it's like a vacation! You and the kids go to Utgaurd and is stay here and do such boring paperwork-"

"We all know you don't do any paperwork livi." Eren deadpanned. I pouted at him, about to open my big fat mouth before Hange stepped in.

"You know you'll be going with them to watch over that one, right? You both didn't forget the whole 'Eren is a toddler and according to state must be treated like a child.' It's like when your mom walks in on you doing the nasty with your cou-"

"Don't finish that thought." Levi sighed, inking a quill and writing furiously and meticulously fast on a tiny peice of parchment. "You go, you do what's written here, you come back when I send for you. Do you hear that? No detours, no extra snacks, nothing. Livi, you're in charge. Good luck."

Great, vacation ruined by children who were literally my age that I was in charge of, and sketchy assignments that came after a very suspisious revelation. Just the thing to make my day.

Working on this feels really weird. I started this six years ago, but it's still going??? Wow I must be slow. (PS uh please don't be mad at baby me for being an unreliable ho bag bit I mean- honestly I can't say much since I still am. Hah.)

His sister (attack on titan Levi sister)*OLD VEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz