1- Retrospect/ A reminisce of the past

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1, 2, 3, 4, the clock tolled 4:00 o'clock. My quirk came early. Too early... everything and everyone was destroyed. But, what was this portal leading to? 


                        Looking at the 4 dualistic buildings in front of me, I realized this was it. What my brother and I have been longing for our whole lives. Well, my brother worked hard to get into the school while I got in by recommendation. Going deeper into the tussle and bustle of my mind was put to a stop by a familiar "tch". " What are you thinking about now small fry?" Yep, the same nickname I've been given since I was kid. Katsuki Bakugou, my brother, well not from parentage or genealogy, but adoption. Also, he's a big pain in my- " I asked you a question.", he snarled out. Now a bit aggravated about him interrupting my thoughts, I spat back " None of your business." Me of all people should know that morning Bakugou is not the Bakugou you want to mess with. Hearing a sound like pop rocks you knew he wasn't happy with your answer. 

                     Feeling the heat radiating off his body and the growl stirring in his throat, he was about to blow. I didn't care to even look back and see his face because I could feel his stare burning my skin. His little boy tantrums didn't scare me though. Growing up with him I've learned to just ignore them. Right when I felt my shoulder get grabbed by a forceful grip a scream came from afar. " KACCHAN!", yelled a spiral haired broccoli? Bakugou turned around to see his childhood "friend" running towards him. Loosening his grip he shifted that way to stare him down. I shrugged off the pain and did the same as he did. The broccoli boy looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. As he shuffled closer the realization hit me. It's that Izuku Midorya kid. The one my brother pushed around and "gifted" the name Deku too. 

                     " Hi Kacchan!", he squeaked. Bakugou wasn't pleased as he said, " I thought I told you to stop calling me that you damn nerd." I watched as Katsuki's stare hardened and body shift away from the boy. Izuku's face turn from a nervous happiness to a soft smile. " Hi Y/N -Chan", he spoke. " HI Izuku-kun.", I said back in the same mocking tone. Midorya and I got along together pretty well. Except the fact that Bakugou hates him and scares off if he gets to close to me. Katsuki can be a bit overprotective over me. Meaning " I'll blow your face up and kill you" overprotective. It kinda gets old the more he does it but I know he's just trying to keep me safe from 'that' happening again. 

                  Shuffling our way down the street, I decided to break the silence we were holding. " So Izuku how have you been?" I asked in a monotone way. Izuku seemed a bit surprised but answered, " I-I-I've been great! H-h-how about y-you?" he managed to stutter out. I smirked at how hard it was to get that out. He stuttered only around Bakugou really. It bothered me sometimes when Bakugou would push him around but, I was to scared to say anything or do. I was a quiet kid and I still kinda am but I'm but I'm better at speaking up for myself. As I was about to respond we were swarmed by reporters. " Look, students that have been excepted to U.A.!", one shouted waving pad of paper and a pen. 

            Like they were nothing, Bakugou grabbed my wrist and plowed through them like they were weeds on a farm. " Get outta my way to extras!" he stated in a dark voice. I looked back to not see Izuku behind us. I looked in front and saw him already in the school. How did he get there so fast? Hmmmm... well that's nothing to worry about now. Katsuki was still plowing me through the herd of reporters. I tried to zone them out and not listen. We were edging near the gates when a reporter asked " Is that her, is that really her? The girl who almost killed thousands of people and- ... The gates defense barrier went up and the reporters were then left outside. The herd died down and vanished into the streets. 

               As soon as we were in the place he wanted to be, he yanked me up to my feet and let go of my wrist. Rubbing the pain away I gave him a death glare which he gladly gifted back. After our staring contest I decided to walk around and find a nice spot to sit down. Endless searching well for about 5 minutes, I found nothing nothing and just retreated back to my brother. Walking back to where he was I saw red-haired teen with decent muscles and shark like teeth. I immediately stopped in my tracks. The fear started to sink in. It whispered in my ear " Don't go over there he'll probably judge you, oh, wait, I DONT CARE, let his words eat you alive." A shiver was sent down down my spine and I felt uneasy. If I walked over there would it be like dangling meat in front of a lion? 

               I was never good with people. After what happened I stayed away from everyone. It wasn't that I was afraid of them, I was afraid of what would happen if I went near them. What it would do to them. The fear would just run off there bodies like a stream. It would feed 'it' till it was strong enough to escape. 

Feed me, it would say

Let me escape 

Set me free

You'll feel better if you do 

Let US show them what what WE can do 


Cmon you know you want to 

              My body started to shake, my legs became weak, everyone around me, I could sense their fear. How hungry the 'thing' inside me was. 

" What if I'm not good enough." 

"How am I going to survive?"

" What if they find out my secret?"

" Am I a fake?" 

' Pretty, pretty, need to be PRETTY." 

                 I could fear there insecurities and darkest secrets. The thing inside me was growling,pleading, waiting to be set free. Then, I was suddenly falling? Why was I falling? But, now I'm not falling? I looked up to see a pair of heterochromic eyes. His hold was firm but gentle. " My apologies, I wasn't watching where I was going." His hair was half red and half white but was messed up by a few strands. He looked like a prince. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. Well, that was until a murderous yell broke out. " HEY YOU GET OFF MY SISTER YOU,YOU ICY THOT.", Katsuki yelled stomping over. 

             Right when he was about to blow the prince's head off, the bell rang. The prince then set me to my feet and was off. Who was that and why didn't 'it' pull his fear away from him and feed itself? Why did I feel so ...different? 


Yay, first chapter done! Hope if you read this you like it and have a good day! :)) I'll try to post every Sunday and make it a bit longer. 

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