leaving me-Dallas Winston [1]

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-I dont want to write a part 2 and since its been awhile since i've published an imagine I wanted to post this, hope you enjoy this extra long one-

"No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening." You said to yourself, sinking down the bathroom door. Your throat got tight and you couldn't stop the strangled sob that escaped.

You had to keep looking at the small white test in your hand, to make sure you were seeing it right. There it was. The little pink plus. You just kept crying, unable to stop.

You were probably in the bathroom for a few hours but you knew that you should probably go and do something before the gang gets worried.

You had met the gang through two-bit, you met two-bit when he was at the drive in, and you were working a shift. Immediately you had felt a connection with him but it wasn't like a love interest connection, but more of like a best friend/ brotherly type of connection.

You decided that calling two-bit to tell him to come over alone would be better than having the whole gang over. So you got up, opened up the door and walked down to your kitchen where the phone was, since your parents were always either vacationing or working, they weren't really ever home, and right now you could not appreciate that more.

After the phone ringing and ringing you knew two-bit wasn't at his house, which means you would have to call the Curtis' where you knew everyone would be. You dialed In the numbers that you had long memorized, and waited until someone answered.

"Curtis resistance." Someone on the other line answered.

"Hey ponyboy, can you put two-bit on?" You asked. You heard some muffled talking and some shuffling of feet.

"Y/n hey, what's up?" Two-bit asked when he got the phone.

"Hey can you come over? Alone please? And try to make it look not that suspicious. I really really need my best friend right now." You let out a sniffle.

"Yeah sure,sure anything, but is everything alright?" You couldn't hear anymore talking on the other line. Everyone must have gone silent once they heard two-bit ask that question.

"Yeah, everything's peachy I just don't feel like being social today." You said.

"Alright see you soon, love you."

"Love you too." You said and the line went silent.

-time skip brought to you by Sam Winchester's hair-

About 20 minutes later a knock sounded on your door.you got up off the couch and walked over to your door. Once you opened it you were engulfed in a hug by two-bit. You couldn't stop the multiple sobs that over took your body as you hugged two-bit back.

He just rubbed soothing circles on your back, waiting for whenever you were ready to tell him what was going on.

You probably hugged him, and cried for a good half an hour before, you calmed down enough to go sit on your couch and explain yourself.

"Y/n what's going on?" Two-bit asked. "Did Dallas do something to you, I swear to god if he did I will-" you cut him off from his rant.

"I'm pregnant." You said, which shut him up quickly.

"Your 16 y/n." You opened your mouth to say something but two held up his hand to stop
You. "But I already think I know how Dallas is going to deal with this and I don't think it will be good." He sighed.

"He's going to leave me two. He's going to hate me." You cried again.

"I'll be here for you if he does we all will. And it's going to be okay. But y/n you have to tell him."

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