Aizawa gave him a deadpan look, "No damage to property or person," he ordered.

Haru cracked his knuckles, "Should be easy enough."

Katsuki and Aizawa watched him for a moment, waiting for something to happen.

A few seconds later, Katsuki got impatient, "What the hell are you doing?"

Haru looked up at the sky outside the gate, "Strange to see hummingbirds in Japan, don't you think?"

Aizawa looked up, "Hummingbirds?"

There was a sudden buzzing sound as a small dark cloud flew out of the sky. As it got closer, the sound of hundreds of peeping chirps made everyone within hearing range look up. Several people started to panic as the flock of tiny birds descended upon them.

A few seconds later, cameras, mics, notebooks, phones, any tool essential to a reporter, was quickly plucked up by several groups of the feathered fiends.

In a series of chittering, the hummingbirds took off with their loot, hauling it all down the sidewalk toa space away from the gate. The media, or what was left of it, ran after them, yelling for the tiny creatures to return their property and not to break it. While they were distracted, they failed to notice the sudden stream of UA's late arrivals (plus some of the more faint-hearted who had been in hiding nearby) make a break for the safety of the campus grounds.

After the last student had crossed the threshold, Haru sent Aizawa a mischievous smile, "Not a scratch, Sensei, not a scratch."

Aizawa just shook his head, not even bothering to answer.

One of the hummingbirds broke away from the rest of the flock and hovered over to Haru. As it got closer everyone noticed that it was intricately made of paper. It landed on Haru's outstretched finger

"Thanks, Filo," Haru said gratefully to the bird.

It cheeped cutely, rubbing its head against the boy's cheek.

"You're the only person who would think of creating the hummingbirds in Japan," Aizawa droned tiredly.

Haru gave him an innocent look, "They are absolutely too useful to not create! Not to mention they're cute," he stroked Filo's head. "You can return their things now."

With a rustle of its paper feathers, the tiny bird let out a shrill screech.

Less than a second later the equipment was quickly lowered to the ground, allowing the media to retrieve their property. Haru turned around and headed towards the main school building. He was picking up several negative vibes at this point and he wasn't planning of sticking around for it.

As he was about to enter the school, however, he felt something strange, as if someone was staring at him. He expanded his sensory out to check for anything out of the ordinary.

He was unable to find anything unusual at first thanks to the media milling about, but he suddenly picked up on something darker. Something familiar. Where have I felt that presence before?

"Something wrong?"

Haru snapped back to attention at the sound of Katsuki's voice, "Oh, yeah. Just felt something strange, nothing to worry about."

Katsuki looked at him hard before shrugging and walking through the door.

Haru looked back at the main gate, catching a glimpse of someone standing across the street.

Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now