"Come here," Joey growled, standing in the middle of his room with his towel wrapped around his waist. Water droplets still on his chest. I giggled and complied, reaching up to kiss him teasingly.

Smiling mischievously I pulled away from him and walked towards the bed, I looked over my shoulder back at him, to see him watching me, his head cocked and a grin on his face. I dropped my towel and climbed onto the bed, sitting up on my knees I turned around to to look at him.

"Well, are you just going to stand there all day watching me?" I teased.

"The view is damn fine," he teased back before dropping his towel too and meeting me on the bed, both of us on our knees.

His lips instantly found mine, pressing our very naked bodies against each other, my hands getting tangled in his hair as our tongues danced. Joey moved his hands up my body, till he cupped my breasts, squeezing and massaging gently until he elicited a moan from me.

He then lay me down on my back, hovering over the top of me, peppering light kissed across my collarbone as his hands lightly roamed my stomach and breasts.

"You are amazing, every part of you and I love you so much," he whispered in my ear.

"Show me how much. Make love to me Joey," I moaned, feeling an ache in my core for him.

His hands moved from my breasts, to between my legs. I instinctively bent my knees, allowing him all the access he needed as his fingers stroked my wet centre as he kissed me slowly. As his fingers worked their magic, and I began to squirm under his body, already feeling myself hit my first climax under his power. He kept going, rubbing small circles around my sensitive clit while pumping, not stopping until I had come back down again.

Before I had a chance to recover, Joey thrust into me, filling me completely. Our moans filled the room as he moved slowly, my hips meeting his thrusts. This was different than normal, slower, more sensual, savouring every moment of each other.

"Harder Joey," I moaned, begging more from him. He instantly responded, picking up his pace and plunging deeper and harder with every thrust. I couldn't help but to cry out in pleasure as my second climax came to a peak, Joey's moans turning me on even more.

After we had both had our release, we lay tangled in each other, both still naked, holding on to the other like we were too afraid to let go.

"That was amazing. Like it's always amazing, but that was..." I tried to explain.

"I know baby, I know," he kissed my head.

The moment we were sharing was quickly interrupted when the sound of the door opening downstairs and dozens of footsteps entering the house echoed up to us.

Joey looked at me with raised eyebrows, "I guess the team are back. We should get dressed before Ryan lets himself in."

I groaned and instead of getting up I climbed under the blankets.

"Or, we just get under the covers and stay quiet, and maybe they won't know we are here," I suggested, giving my best puppy dogs eyes.

It worked and Joey climbed under the blankets too, pulling me back into his arms.

"I wish we could lay like this forever," he mused, running his fingers through my still damp hair.

"Me too," I said kissing him softly at the same time the door burst open and as suspected Ryan came bounding through the door.

"Joey! Buddy, you're home! Hey Morgan," Ryan said, completely ignoring the fact that we are very obviously naked and very obviously having a moment together.

"Home yes. A little busy, yes," Joey laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. You can fuck later. The boys have ordered pizza and bought beers, we are having a small welcome home celebration and you are the guest of honour. So put some clothes on and get downstairs," Ryan demanded.

"Yeah, alright. Where were you all anyway? The house is never empty."

"Coach scheduled a training session that went all afternoon, because we missed what he had planned when your ass went missing. Apparently a search and rescue wasn't enough for him."

"Sucks to be you. Now get out so we can get dressed. See you downstairs in five."

Ryan left the room and we surrendered to getting up.

"We tried babe," Joey laughed as I grumbled about his stupid teammates ruining our perfect evening.

As promised, five minutes later we were downstairs, plates and drinks being offered to us. We each took a plate and helped ourselves to some pizza, but both of us stuck with water. Joey had to retell the story to some of the guys who hadn't heard it yet, while I sat with Ryan and Ethan.

"Oi! All of you shut up for a moment!" Harley, the team captain suddenly shouted over the group and everyone hushed. I guess being team captain had its perks.

"Alright, I'll keep this short because I know we are all pretty hammered after that session today. First of all, to get the business out of the way, don't any of you forget that we are about to head into the finals series. The drama of this weekend ends now because it's time to get serious," he pointed to a few of the team members that I knew liked to party a bit harder than others.

"Now second of all, props to Morgan over there for finding our boy Joey. You had us all a bit worried mate, but we're stoked you are back safe and not injured. So cheers to Morgan and Joey!" He finished and everyone clinked their beers together while yelling 'to Morgan and Joey'.

The night ended early. I helped clean up the pizza boxes in the kitchen while Joey caught up with his friends and teammates that lived in the house. I stood by the sink watching him in his element and didn't notice when Harley sidled up beside me.

"You're good for him," Harley startled me.

I looked at him, "uh, thanks?"

He laughed. "No really. He is happier, even his basketball is better. I know he doesn't want to continue after college, but for now it's his family. But that's not what I came over here for. I just wanted to thank you again."

"Honestly, everyone needs to stop thanking me. It could have been any of the search teams that found him. It just happened to be me that saw the bits of t-shirt. No one is happier that he is safe than I am though."

"Sure. Anyway, I'm out. Don't forget he needs his rest," he says winking at me before he says goodbye to the rest of the team as I try to hide my smile.

"Babe, I'm heading to bed. I have class tomorrow," I say to Joey.

"Ok, I'll be up in a minute," he says as a couple of the boys make whipping noises.

"It's ok, you stay with your mates," I insist. Then looking at the boys making the comments, "Besides, I had you all afternoon," I winked before turning and leaving the room, happy to feel like things are getting back to normal.

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