syd barrett; see emily play ༄

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🦋::: fluffy, pregnancy roleplay, sfw

Since when syd and i started dating, right in the early 60s, we had plenty of time to do what we liked the most. I was an aspiring writer and syd, well ... syd was always good at everything.
It didn't surprise me when he started to compose little by little, he always showed me the lyrics and asked for opinions, he was always so creative, - artistically speaking, - and seeing him so happy about it made my heart fill with pride.
It didn't take long before syd went after trusted people to execute his new plan: start a band.
I think it was something of the time, since Beatlemania was at its peak, everyone wanted the feeling of doing something good for the artistic world and especially, out of the ordinary.

Syd invested a lot of his time in it and finally he had found the right people, - roger, rick and nick, - his college buddies. They spent hours and hours in our basement that had now become a makeshift studio, I tried to study and write but always ended up getting into their jams, it was all very magical.
I could clearly see that they would succeed in the future and I really wanted to be around the syd to see that.
We were neighbors when we were little and then we ended up going to the same school, he didn't care if he was accompanied or not, he had this aura of confidence and that I liked a lot since I was always very insecure with everything.
It was he who came to talk to me, it was he who gave the idea of ​​going home together since we lived on the same street, but it was me who said the first "I love you".
I felt that the syd matured more and more each day and how lucky I was, I thought, to follow this closely.
I love him so much.

1967 was a year of many surprises. I had finally managed to get funding for my first book, syd and the guys had secured a record deal for the band's first album, but as always the best had been for the end: I was pregnant.
The thought of telling syd made me extremely nervous, he had every right to react the way he wanted to but I really wished it were good, and for my happiness, that's exactly what happened.
Syd woke up every day marveling at the idea that he was going to be a father, he could be everything his parents were not for him and that filled me with pride. We had a small celebration with just the closest friends and relatives and of course the guys in the band helped with everything and already said how they were going to spoil the child too much. this whole loving environment was too much for me, in a good way. Sometimes I thought that I didn't deserve all this and much less deserved someone as affectionate as syd ... I was so lucky.

I was four months pregnant now and it was a challenging period, it was when the baby started to move and with that the exhaustion was double. I tried to balance my time that seemed to have shortened now but it almost never worked out, luckily I always had the syd by my side, or almost that, since the band's album took a lot of time and especially his concentration but I knew he was doing his best and that made me happy.
Today i had tried to write a little in my book but ended up winding up throughout the day and to make matters worse the nausea only increased and the baby was kicking so such like he wanted more space inside me, so by the time the sun set on the horizon i was already exhausted. I tried to do something good for when the syd arrived but today had been a complicated day. When he arrived from the studio it was already late at night and i was already in bed, trying to calm our baby who looked like he had taken the day off to play football.

─ how was it in the studio today?
syd came up to me giving me a soft kiss and stroking my belly.

─ exhausting and stressful.
he sighed tiredly, pacing the room and undressing until he finally got into the shower.

─ Is there a problem with the boys?
I asked curiously.

─ not with them, the sound engineers are disturbing the way people want to capture sound ...

─ they don't understand your genius, baby ...
I heard the syd's smirk, it wasn't long before he left and put on something comfortable and came to bed so we could rest. I really was in need.
I didn't know the right time but it was dawn, I ended up waking up after feeling the syd too restless in bed, I touched his shoulder and turned on the lamp near the bed.

─ baby? what happened? Are you alright?
syd had a worried face.

─ I can't sleep ...
he ran his hand through his hair and snorted.

─ are you worried about the album? I'm sure you and the boys will find a good way out of this situation ...
I smoothed his face gently.

─ it's not just with the album ...
he looked at my belly, i knew what that was about. ─ how was your day?
I lay on the bed, putting an arm behind my head, and syd sat looking at me.

─ I tried to write and do something in the kitchen but the baby wouldn't let me, the doctor said that in the 4th month it was complicated since the baby was going to start moving so it is strange.
We both laughed and syd started to stroke his exposed belly. ─ spent all day kicking me ...

─ maybe a player ...
syd played and now tried to be in the best position so that he could "talk" better with our baby.

─ I'm so sleepy my love ...
I said, yawning and scratching my eyes.

─ I'm glad you're sleepy, you have to rest for two now ...
syd gave a soft kiss on the belly and I felt a light kick and smiled broadly. ─ I won't be long ...
I reached over and turned off the lamp, the little light that came into the room now came from the street. I settled on the bed and closed my eyes as I heard syd talking to our baby.

─ hey baby ... your mom and still haven't come up with a name yet and we don't know your gender, but we'll get that ...
syd smiled softly, lightly stroking my stomach.
─ you've been keeping me up for the past few weeks, i've been so tired recently because of my work but i can't sleep. I feel a bunch of emotions; nervous, excited, scared but happy. I'm nervous that I won't be ready when the time comes, that I won't be able to get that great that I should be. I'm really nervous about this. But I'm excited to finally see you, and hold you, to be a dad, to take care of you, watch you grow.
syd laughed and my eyes were already filled with tears from hearing how sincere he was, speaking all he was feeling and I understood his fear.

─ trying to talk and making sure you say dadda first and not that other word, don't tell mom that I told you! And I'm so excited to raise you with the love of my life, and we're gonna support you in everything and we're gonna be so proud of you, and I'm so happy to be your father.
syd's voice was filled with crying, and as soon as he kissed my belly I could feel the cold tears on his face. ─ and I'm so happy to share this moment with (Y / N), she's the one who takes all the negative thoughts away, she brings me the peace and she makes me so happy. She does so such for me, I would be so lost without her. I'm so thankful for (Y / N) and I'm so thankful for you. You guys are my everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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