Are you a toddler?

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Yibo's POV

I glanced at him after hearing him say he's not that bad. I had to make a complete turn to fully look at him after I thought I was seeing things. This man was pouting. Like full on pouting and looking just as adorable as a baby. I shook my head and he was still pouting. I looked away and glance back to ensure its not my imagination. He was still pouting. How old is this guy? I asked my brain. He looks very young and at the same time mature. How is this possible? He actually looks too innocent.

I realized I was staring and he noticed it too. His pout deepened and his face looked so adorable. I forced myself to look away and muttered

"If only you knew" as an answer to what he said. How am I supposed to survive working with this human?

"Are you a toddler? Why are you acting like one?"

I just realized the producers left. He saw me looking around and realized it also. His pout fell and his normal expression with a bright smile replaced it.

"Yes I am. So Yibo, why don't you talk a bit more?"

I wanted to know more about him now since he caught my interest so I gave in. We sat again and began talking again.

"So you never told me what your full name was" I asked

"You never asked" he shrugged

"I'm asking now. Do you have more names than Xiao Zhan?"

"Maybe. Do you?"

"So you want me to talk but you won't answer"

"I answered didn't I" he said sticking out his tongue.

Really? Is he three or something? I swear my three year old nephew does not even act this immature.

"Do you have a next name?" He repeated his question.


"Aish, come on Yibo. Fine I do have another name."


"That's all you have to say?"


"Ugh. My full name is Sean Xiao Zhan. Happy now? So do you have any?"

"Nope. My full name is Wang Yibo."

"Oh, you remember how to talk, so how old are you? You look young but I can't be sure since you act  so mature."

"Is my age important?"

"Nope, just want to know."


"Hm. Let's see. Maybe 21?"

"Close, 22"

"Yess. I was close. Wait you're so young. How did you get such a hard role? Are you that good already?"

I looked at him is an offended way. I can't believe he is calling me little.
He must have saw my facial expression since he hurriedly explained

"No I don't mean it in a bad way. It's good to be young and you must be very hard-working and good to move up that quickly. I'm sure I'll be amazed when I see you act. How long were you in the acting industry?" He rambled.

I sighed and asked him

"How old are you? You didn't tell me your age."

"Oh me. I'm 27. Almost 28. I'm your senior." And again he stuck out his tongue.

"A senior with the attitude of a toddler. Are you sure you didn't forget your age?"

"I'm sure I didn't. So will you answer how long you've been in the industry for?"

"Almost seven years. You?"

"Wow. No wonder you've gotten the role. Turns out you were in it longer than me. I only started three years ago."

"And already got a main lead role that is difficult to play. You are not bad."

"It's not my first main role."

"Really? Then you must be an excellent actor."

"I'm sure I can say the same for you."


Enjoy and don't forget to vote and follow me for updates. Stay safe😁

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