9 | 𝓛𝓪𝓹-𝓢𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰

Start from the beginning

And then there was Grayson, gorgeous as ever. His hair, just like always, messily laying on his head. His dark hair wasn't short, nor was it too long for me. His eyes were on mine, there was the ghost of a smirk on his face, but he didn't show it.

Our eye contact became too penetrating and personal that I had to look away. I felt this fluttery sensation in my stomach when I felt his hot stare on my face. I couldn't help but throw furtive glances at him. But every time I dared to look, he was already watching.

It wasn't as disturbing as it sounds, I promise. It was rather frustrating, actually. I wondered why he wouldn't look away. Was there something on my face? I should seriously learn how to eat more properly.

I peeked over at him one more time from through my hair. He pulled the girl closer to him in his lap. As if they weren't close enough already, I thought and bared my teeth, almost scoffing at them, but stopped myself.

Calm down, Sophia. Since when did you become so inconsiderate? I almost mocked the girl, and for what? Because Grayson gave her attention?

I pouted my lips and crossed my arms over each other on the table. Was I...? Could I be jealous? I didn't know, I've never really been jealous before, not like this. But I barely even know Grayson, it has to be something else. 

I sighed and wanted to change the topic in my mind and focus on anything and everything else, but couldn't when I saw him whisper things in her ear, sometimes while looking at me. I imagined his rough yet gently voice whispering generous thoughts to me. Okay, this has to end. Now I was the one looking like a creep!

I watched as she giggled at his words in a high-pitched tone and nuzzled deeper into him. She slanted her head upwards, gaping at him from in his lap, and leaned her head closer to his.

What I observed burned my holy eyes and made them go eclectic. She kissed his jaw and I swear I saw the tip of her tongue touching it, too! "Gosh, could they at least not do that in public..." I muttered to myself. I know I'm being judgy, but I can't help the thoughts. 

I jumped in my seat when Evie responded with, "What? What are you staring at?"

Bella looked over too and searched the cafeteria, then her mouth formed an 'o' shape. "You mean who was she gawking at."

I fiddled with the bottom of my shirt with one hand, the other went up to cover my face in embarrassment. They laughed and said, "It's alright, Sophia. We won't judge you, but...do you like Grayson?"

I froze in place and rubbed the back of my neck, mumbling, "No-No, of course not. I don't even know him." They nodded slowly, a look of doubt covering both their faces, but they let it go, I thanked the Lord for that.

They went back to having their own conversation and I subconsciously peered over at him again. Bad idea. The girl's mouth was on his, her hands around his chest, closing the oh so little distance that was between them.

The kiss escalated after a moment, he opened his eyes and they went directly to mine. I desired to look away, but his gaze was capturing, his eyes spellbinding. Why was he looking at me like that? He was in the middle of a fudging kiss! An intense one at that.

While we eyed each other, the girl pushed her face in his again and he snuck his tongue into her mouth. She gave herself completely to him. I felt something pool in the bottom of my stomach. Something I've never felt before. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad sign. This is getting a little 18+, don't ya think? I told myself.

I couldn't handle the heat and, as much as I disliked to admit it, the sexual tension between us was too much. I turned my head away from them and set it on my folded arms on the table, closing my eyes.

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