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Highschool cliques. We all had them.
The jocks, the popular kids, the nerds, the emo kids, the wallflowers, and the delinquents.
Everyone had their groups.

No cliques mix.

Lee Felix, the most known popular kid in the entire school, basically, everyone wanted to either date him or be him, there is no in between.

And then there is Seo Changbin, that emo delinquent, only hanging out with his two close friends. Total social outcast.
Everyone sees him as that one dark kid, his entire reputation is built on his dark aura.


"Felix and Changbin..."

The entire classroom went quiet as the two names were called out.

It was 6th period History, they were going to do a partner project about some old war or something.

Felix jumped out of his chair to go sit by the kid in the back of the classroom, the teacher calling out other student's names in a monotone voice.

"hey!" Felix called out in a whisper, waving his hand in front of Changbin's face, pulling out his right ear bud.
Changbin shot a glare at Felix, grabbing his ear bud out of his hand and turning back to the teacher.

Felix rolled his eyes, a small sigh leaving his lips.
"Fine. Be like that."

They sat in silence for less then 5 seconds before Felix spoke again.

"So, are we gonna do this project at your place or mine?"

Before Changbin could speak, the bell rang, and he shot up, grabbing his stuff in a hurry and rushing out of the classroom.

Felix let out a groan, slamming his face harshly on the desk. Letting out another groan, he rubbed his forehead, freezing when he saw a black blob in the corner of his eye.

Felix hummed, picking up the phone off of the chair, the lock screen shone brightly in his eyes, a pastel blue image with a small Snorlax clinging to the side of the screen.

Felix let out a snort, grabbing his stuff and putting the phone in his back pocket.

I'll give it to him later.

Felix walked down the hallway in silence until he saw a figure in a large oversized sweater up ahead of him.

Isn't that Chang- Christ? What was his name again? Chan? He's Changbin's friend!

Felix rushed over to the older, a large smile on his face.
Chan looked at him curiously, a small smile on his face none the less.

"Have you seen Changbin? You are his friend right? He left his phone in class and I wanted to return it to him..." Felix explained, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Oh! I can return it to him if you want." Chan offered, but Felix shook his head.

"No, it's fine, we're partnered for a class project anyways."

"Oh, okay, I can give you his address if you want." Chan grabbed his bag, grabbing a stray piece of paper and a pencil, Felix nodded, and Chan scribbled down an address quickly, passing it over to Felix before bowing once.

"Well, I have to go, Jisung'll kill me if I'm late for our meet up. See you around I guess."

And with that, Chan disappeared down the hallway.


Felix walked with a skip in his step, seemingly glowing as he fallowed the GPS on his phone, luckily, Changbin's house was pretty close to the school.

Stopping in front of a baby blue house, Felix started up the driveway. Walking past a pod of light pink tulips, Felix looked on curiously.

Is this the right house?

Knocking on the dark gray door, immediately a short woman opened the door.

"Hi, is this Changbin's house? I'm a friend from school." Just a little lie.

"Oh! Well, you can come in then! Changbin's up in his room, just go up the stairs and to your left, its the first door." The woman, whom Felix could only guess was Changbin's mom, told him.

After a quiet 'thank you' Felix made his way up the stairs, following Mrs. Seo's directions, Felix found himself in front of a pastel purple door, a painted sign with Changbin's name on it hung up slightly tilted to the side. Next to the name were small bunny and flower stickers.


Felix knocked lightly on the door.

"come in!"

Felix slowly pushed open the door.

"Holy Shit-"



This is what Changbin's room looks like. Just imagine plushies everywhere.

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